Chapter 5- So It Begins:

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Chapter 5- So It Begins

I didn’t want to go to school today. If Jacob and Katie only lived a few minutes away then that meant that they would be at the same school as me. The thought made my heart sink.

I tried to convince my parents into letting me do homeschooling all day yesterday seeing as I didn’t do anything but sit around and watched movies and ate ice cream. I didn’t feel like going out anywhere. All I could do was think about my meadow that I got to visit the day before. I couldn’t go yesterday because my parents said they were starting to worry about me being someplace they can’t find me so they had me stay at home. All day I tried pleading and begging them to let me be homeschooled but they just kept asking me why I would want to do that and I didn’t want them to know about Friday so I just dropped the subject and went back upstairs to get ready. As I got ready, I thought about my meadow. I wanted to skip school so badly and just lay in the soft green grass all day, but I knew that it wouldn’t look too good skipping out on my first day of school so I decided against it, no matter what my heart was telling me.

When I was ready, I looked at myself one last time to make sure I was really ready. Mentally and physically. I checked my clothes to make sure they were okay. It was just my usual style, loose and comfortable. I was wearing baggy camouflage pants with a black sweatshirt and black converse. I put my hair into a ponytail and grabbed my bag, putting my ear-buds in and turning up the music as loud as I liked. I went down the stairs and out the door, calling out a goodbye to my parents and headed to my car.

The ten minutes it took me to get to school went by too fast. I didn’t want to get out of the comfort of my car, but I knew that I couldn’t ditch on my first day. And I also had to face Jacob and I had to do it sooner than later and I’d rather do it sooner to get it over with. I took a deep breath and got out of my car, grabbing my bag and looked around. The parking lot was pretty filled but no one was standing around outside like at my old school. I saw students walking inside and I was glad. I didn’t want people staring at me, the new girl. I hated attention.

I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and headed inside. There was a ton of people. I looked all around and all I saw were people. Almost everyone was taller than me, even some of the girls. I tried to stand on my tip toes but that didn’t help. The most I could see was a guy’s head a few feet away. I groaned and tried walking through the sea of bodies.

“Excuse me. Pardon me. Coming through. Sorry!” I said when I accidently stepped on some girl’s foot. She just scowled at me and kept walking. I bit my bottom lip and ducked my head to hide my flushed cheeks. Oh great job Cass. It’s your first day of school and you’ve already made an enemy. I thought to myself as I tried to find the main office.

After making seven wrong turns, going to three dead ends, stepping on five other people’s toes and getting slammed into the lockers once, I finally reached the office. I walked up to the secretary’s desk with a scowl on my face but I tried to keep it as pleasant as possible seeing as I didn’t want to get on any office people’s bad side. The secretary looked up at me from her computer with a bored expression and sighed heavily. I gave her a cheeky smile. You and me both lady.

“What can I do for you?” she asked in a fake happy voice.

“Oh cut the nice crap lady and just give me my stuff. I’m new here. Cassandra Robertson?” I asked. Ah screw not wanting to get on their bad side. There was no point in trying to make nice with them if they weren’t even gonna try and be nice to us. She glared at me but I just glared right back at her. I wasn’t in a good mood to begin with but by then, I was just beyond annoyed.

“Here. Take it and have a nice day,” she said with a fake smile and handed me my schedule and all the papers I needed.

“Thank you and you have a productive day,” I said with an equally fake smile. I turned sharply on my heel and stalked out of the office, grumbling under my breath on my way out.

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