Chapter 6- You Can't Marry My Car:

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Chapter 6- You Can’t Marry My Car

         I didn’t go to the meadow yesterday because I had too much homework to do and I had a lot on my mind that I had to sort through. My brain was too tired to function properly so I ended up going to bed early. I groaned when I woke up in the morning because I was sleep-deprived. I debated on going to school or just staying home today. I’d decided on staying home and had a plan all thought out in my mind when I remembered Alex. I really wanted to see him again, but I didn’t want to fall asleep during class and get caught by the teacher. I could do without a detention my first week at a new school.

         I pulled into the parking lot slowly. I didn’t notice the emptiness of it until I got out and closed my door. I looked around and saw over half of the lot was clear. I was beginning to walk across the lot when a car pulled up in front of me and the window rolled down. I smiled when I saw it was Alex.

         “Why are you here?” he asked. I gave him a confused look.

         “School? You know the place where we go every week for five days to learn for most of our lives?”

         “Haven’t you ever heard of senior ditch day?” he asked with a smirk. “You are a senior right?”

         “I didn’t know you guys did that,” I admitted.

         “Yeah why wouldn’t we?” he asked.

         “You’d be surprised. Some schools don’t.”

         “Well that just proves how semi-cool this school is. Now are you coming or what?” he asked as he unlocked the door.

         “I’m not allowed to ride with strangers,” I smirked.

         “Good thing I’m not a stranger then huh?”

         I laughed but shook my head. “I’ve got my own car. I’ll follow you though. Where are you going?”

         “Wherever you’re going,” he shrugged.

         “And if I’m not doing anything?” I asked.

         “Then I’ll show you around town,” he said with a smile.

         “I like that idea better. I’ll drop my car off at home then we can take yours.”

         “Why can’t we take yours?” he asked me before I could get back in my car.

         “Because I won’t have any idea where to go,” I called back.

         “I’ll show you.”

         “What makes me think I can trust what you say?” I teased.

         “Hey, you can’t distrust me yet. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

         “But you said yet which proves that you will end up doing something.”

         “Please can we take your car? It’s much cooler than mine,” he whined. I laughed and got in. When I looked out my windshield I could see him giving me the puppy dog pout. I rolled my eyes giving him my answer and he grinned like a child on Christmas morning. I waved my hand for him to follow me and pulled out.

         “I can’t believe you’re gonna make the girl drive,” I said as he got in my truck.

         “Wha-can you blame a guy for wanting to ride in this? It’s the best truck I’ve ever seen! I want one!” he pouted. I smirked at him.

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