Chapter 17- I Already Know the Truth (Part 2):

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Chapter 17- I Already Know the Truth (Part 2)

I walked the beach to where I thought Alex would be. I looked ahead and sure enough, he was laying there in the sand with his arms behind his head, basking in the sunlight. I smiled as I got an idea. I made my footsteps as silent as possible and I snuck up beside him. As soon as I took one more step though, his eyes snapped open and he looked at me with a smirk. I frowned. Darn it!

“Nice try,” he said smugly. I made a face and stuck my tongue out at him. “Oh very mature.”

“Shut up. You ruined my plan,” I pouted. He quirked a brow, still smirking at me.

“Forgive me for not wanting to be jumped on when I’m totally relaxed,” he said.

“I wasn’t gonna jump on you,” I lied. How did he know what I was planning?

“Uh-huh, sure you weren’t,” he said going back to his relaxed position. I laid back myself, and closed my eyes at the warmth of the sun.

“Do you know a Nate?” I blurted. When he didn’t say anything I sat up and looked at him to make sure he wasn’t asleep. That would be awkward, me just sitting here talking to myself. I saw him stiffen and he opened an eye.

“Nate who?”

“I don’t know his last name,” I said shrugging.

“I know a lot of Nate’s,” he muttered.

“Well he has dark blond, messy hair and blue eyes and he’s pretty hot,” I said as I thought about my new boyfriend. Nate and I were actually dating. He’d asked me right before I’d left to come meet Alex and I’d said yes. For some reason though, that didn’t sit right with my gut. Something else in the back of my mind was saying something, but I didn’t bother listening closely to it. I was too focused on what I was doing at the moment.

Alex’s face went rigid suddenly and he sat up quickly. He looked somewhat angry and it concerned me. A frown settled on my face as I watched his eyes darken slightly.

“Why?” he growled. That shocked me even more. He sounded pissed. Was it something I said?

“Alex, are you okay?” I asked hesitantly. He didn’t answer me. Instead, he just sat there, glaring at the ground. If looks could kill, that sand would be vaporized. I watched as he glared daggers at it. It was as if I wasn’t even there anymore. He hadn’t blinked and he hadn’t even looked up at me.

“How many?” he ground out.

“How many what?” I asked confused.

“How many…others came with Nate,” he asked practically spitting out Nate’s name.

“Others? What do you mean others?”

“How many more people came with Nate?” he rephrased.

“None, there was just him. Why?”

“You can’t hang out with him,” he said and looked at me.

“What do you mean I can’t? I can do whatever I want thank you very much. I don’t need you telling me what I can and can’t do. Nate’s my boyfriend,” I snapped.

“He’s not good Cassie. I’m just trying to protect you.”

“Well I didn’t ask for your protection. I don’t need it. There’s nothing wrong with Nate,” I said and got up, wiping the sand off of my butt.

“I’m just trying to help,” he replied as he got up as well.

“Like I said before, I don’t need it. I’ll let you know when I do.” And with that I turned and started walking away.

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