Chapter 25- They Both Have the Same Mind-Set:

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A/N: Okay, so this story will be ending soon kind of. I'm planning to finish it this summer (probably sometime this month hopefully) so I'm going to just be working on the rest of it. But, good news, I've decided to make a sequel to it. I've already somewhat started it, even though this story isn't done yet haha, but i've got ideas for it. Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 25- They Both Have the Same Mind-Set

         “Get ready seniors! The prom is just weeks away! Buy your tickets in the main office for only fifty dollars! A hundred dollars per couple! This year, our prom theme is…The Fire Inside! Hope to see all of you there for a night to remember! Have a great day!”

         The morning announcements finally ended. Sadly though, I couldn’t get that peppy girl’s voice out of my brain and it was seriously killing me. Who in their right mind is that enthusiastic before nine o’clock in the morning? I just rolled my eyes and rested my chin in my hand as I thought about what she’d said though. I hadn’t even thought about prom at all. I wonder why they chose ‘The Fire Inside’ as our prom theme. What does that even mean? And of course she used the most cliché line to describe prom. “A night to remember”. Of course it’s going to be a night to remember. Who doesn’t remember their prom? Unless some people didn’t go to theirs. Prom isn’t exactly for everyone, but I still think that all those people that didn’t go to their proms missed out on a lot. Prom is the biggest night of your high school life. It’s what every high school teen looks forward to in their junior or senior year.

         But the more I thought about prom, the more I realized that I might be one of those people that don’t go. I haven’t thought about it whatsoever. Meaning, I still didn’t have any idea what I wanted my dress to look like, I didn’t have fifty dollars for one measly little ticket that’s just going to get thrown away by the people collecting them anyways, and I had no date. Yeah, Jake and I are mates, but that doesn’t mean that he’ll want to just automatically go. Maybe he doesn’t like dancing. Maybe he’s always hated the idea of prom. Maybe he just doesn’t want to go with me. That thought sent shudders through my body. What if he decided to go with someone else? What if he’s seeing someone behind my back?

         I immediately stopped my mental panic. There’s no way Jake would do something like that to me. He’s not that shallow. He’s not that stupid. Jake wouldn’t do that to a girl. He would at least let them know to their face if he wanted to go with her or not. But the idea of Jake rejecting my offer gave me an uneasy feeling for the rest of the day.

         “Hey, so did you hear the announcement this morning?” Steph asked as she bounced over to the tree I was sitting under for lunch. I looked up at her and bit into my sandwich.

         “Yep,” I said after chewing and swallowing. She plopped down next to me, lunch, bag, and books in her arms.

         “Well?” she questioned. She looked at me expectantly.

         “Well…” I trailed off, not knowing where she was taking this conversation.

         “Hey, so we’re all going shopping after school right?” Katie asked as she sat down in front of Steph and I.

         “Heck yeah we are! Cassie’s coming too.”

         “Whoa wait, Cassie’s doing what?” I asked.

         “Oh come on Cassie! You have to come dress shopping with us! You’re totally going to prom right?” Steph asked. She looked at me intently and I just stared at her with my mouth slightly open, looking like a dope.

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