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So.......I'm back. I'm not sure if it's officially or not, but I am for the time being. I'm still working on revising this story and the second one because I don't like the way either of them are going and I've been creating a whole new idea for these stories. I don't think I'm going to take either of them down though, just because there aren't going to be any massive changes like taking out any characters or anything like that. 

Also, I'm very sorry for not updating this story in like forever. A lot has actually happened over the past 2-3 years. I moved twice, I've been focused on school and work more than anything, my sister is getting married soon, my best friend and I started dating a little over seven months ago and it's been great, and I didn't realize just how much I missed writing until just lately.

But hopefully, I can get back into the swing of things and actually take the time out of my life to get back to writing and enjoying it and editing these stories and making them better and what I imagine them to be. Thank you to all who have read this and who continue to read this story. I really would like for those of you who have read this or who are reading this currently to (and I know this sucks for me to ask this of you) start over and give this edited version a chance. Hopefully you'll like it more, and even if you don't, I really don't care because I'm finally writing again and I'm having fun and enjoying it so I'm going to keep on reposting these chapters and see where it takes me.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear a little feedback from everyone on this new beginning. 


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