Chapter 38- The Turning Point:

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A/N: So I've working on this story and I just's coming to an end very soon. I didn't even realize it myself until I wrote more chapters today and finished them. When I thought about it earlier, I was pretty dang shocked. I mean I've been working on this story for almost a year now and it's been a mighty long year. But I just want to thank all of you who have read this story from the beginning because you have absolutely no idea what it means to me when I have people actually reading my stories. No one in my family reads my stories, they don't even have any idea that I write. When I first put this story up, I just did it for the fun of it, I wasn't expecting anyone to actually read this, but people did and I just want to thank each and every one of you for giving it a chance. But yeah, like I said, this story is coming to an end shortly-probably sometime this month actually if I keep writing like I've been these past couple of days (thanks to being sick) and I'll be posting another chapter after this one since I have a few done already. Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 38- The Turning Point

My body felt like jelly. I could move all parts of myself as easily as any normal day and that’s what made me almost sigh in relief. The only bad part was that my movements were lazy, as if my muscles had just melted into a huge puddle. Every time I’d try to look around, my head would roll around on my neck. That was the only part of me that I could really move since I was chained to a tree.

We were outside of some gray metal compound in the middle of the woods- original, I know. My eyes were still very heavy from the knock out Nate gave me. All I wanted to do was sleep. But I knew that it wasn’t the time. I had to focus on getting out of here with Jake. The only problem with that was; I had absolutely no idea where we were. That and the fact that I was tied to a tree.

The door to the metal compound opened and Jake stumbled out with a couple of men behind him. Friends of Nate I’m guessing. But nonetheless, Jake was standing on his own. This meant that he was okay- or at least as okay as one can be after you get beaten until you’re broken.

My heart ached at the sight of him. I couldn’t stand seeing him this way. It was too painful. I turned away from him and focused my attention on anything else that would take my mind off of him.

In the middle of the yard that we were in was a metal chair. Beside it was a table with a small controller with buttons on it. My eyes flew wide as the realization him me harder than the Hulk smashing through a brick building. They were going to electrocute us to death. One of the longest ways to die if they have their way. The closer Nate got to the chair, the more I struggled. Fear rolled off of me in waves. He nodded his head at me and two men came and unchained me. One of them was Spencer.

“Hey! I know you,” I whispered to him. He didn’t even look at me. He just wrapped the chain around his hand so that it was tight. “Oh what, you’re not even going to look at me?”

He didn’t respond. I huffed as he jerked me closer to him.

“Douchebag!” I hissed and tried to rub my burning wrists but he wouldn’t let me.

He dragged me away from the tree and in the direction of the chair.

“Spencer!” I hissed.

“Shut up!” he snapped quietly. His voice was deep and rich, but it was nothing compared to how amazing Jake’s was.

“I know you.”

“No you don’t.”

“I’ve seen you before,” I shot back.

“Whatever,” he mumbled.

“Spencer please, I need your help! You can’t just kill me,” I begged.

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