Chatper 45- Distance:

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A/N: Hey! So, I've just realized...this story is almost over. There's only...what, three chapters left?? Maybe four?? But yeah. So, I'll be finishing this book by the end of the week and in a couple of days, I'll be putting that green check mark by the title. I'm actually kind of sad to see it end. BUT!! I've already started the sequel to this story!!! So that's some good news! So I hope that everyone that's read and voted for this story sticks around for the next one because it's comin out soon! But yeah, so look for the next chapter of this series soon, it'll be called One Way and I hope that y'all like it! Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 45- Distance

My plan was in full effect. All I had to do now was wait. Time couldn't seem to go any faster though. As he days trickled by, my nerves increased. I'd already planned to leave as soon as graduation was over with, but that was still two days away. I hated waiting, yet I couldn't seem to get up the courage to begin to pack my bags. I couldn't find the courage to seem to want to leave just yet.

My heart began to pound in my chest as I thought about it. Just two days. That was all I had left with Jake before I left him forever. But he probably wouldn't even want to see me in these next two days. Ever since I'd made my decision to leave, I worked the plan out in my head. I had to distance myself from him. I had to make it seem as if I was too busy for him and that I didn't want to spend any time at all with him when in reality, it's all I wanted to do. I wanted to spend every single waking moment with him, but it took every ounce of strength and willpower to not do so.

It was the same way with my friends. Katie had asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her and Stephanie yesterday and then go to the bookstore, and I had told them no because I was too busy. They'd asked me for the past few days if I wanted to hang out with them but I'd turned them down then too. The same went for Alex, Mason, and Chris.

I knew that they all suspected something was up. They were starting to get suspicious. Especially Spencer. For some reason, it seemed as if he knew what was going on. It was as if he'd heard my thoughts and knew what I was planning. For the past few days he'd been giving me these weird looks, as if he was waiting for something. But it may just be me. I'd been on edge every moment since I'd made my decision and nothing was helping.

As I sat on my bed, doing my Calculus homework, my phone buzzed. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Jake. I inhaled a deep breath and closed my eyes. I knew what I had to do. I couldn't stop now. I was already too deep into my plan to just give it all up. My mind helped. It used the images of my nightmare to make things such as this easier for me to do. I pushed the decline button and went back to doing my work. I wouldn't let that nightmare come true. I'd do everything it took to make sure Jake, my friends, and the whole pack was safe.

My phone buzzed again. I looked down at it and chewed on my lip as I pressed the decline button again. After a minute, it buzzed again but this time, it was for a voicemail. I reluctantly clicked on it, knowing whose voice I would hear.

"Cass, did I do something wrong? I don't know what happened, or if anything happened but please, talk to me. I can't stand it, knowing that you're upset about something, or if you're upset with me. me back? I need to hear your voice. I need to know that you're okay. I'll be waiting. I love you."

My heart cried out. My fingers undid the lock on my phone and I went to the call app. I scrolled down to Jake's name and hit the call button. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't do this. But my finger hit the End Call button without me even noticing it. My mind played the image of Jake's burning figure in my head and I gasped and dropped my phone to the floor. I almost ruined everything. I was so close to jeopardizing this whole plan. I drew in a shaky breath and ran a hand through my white hair. How could I do that? How could I almost ruin this all for Jake and myself?

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