Chapter 32- As If Nothing Had Happened:

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A/N: Happy 4th of July everyone!! Hope it goes great!!! Anyways.....enjoy!!!!! :)

Chapter 32- As If Nothing Had Happened

“Cassie, please…I just wanna talk to you. I need to hear your voice. I have to know that you’re alright. Please call me back. I lo-”

I immediately deleted the message. That the eighth message he left today. So far, he’s up to forty for the past five days. And I’ve deleted every single one of them. After the first six, I stopped listening to the very last sentence he would say. It would just make me hurt even more. I haven’t seen or spoken to him in five days. He never stopped trying though. Every day he’s come over and tried to see me. I just stayed locked up in my room. Plus Katie and Steph were here to help me. They were also mad at their mates because both Alex and Chris had known about what Jake was doing and didn’t even bother telling me. I couldn’t be mad at them though because they were just following their Alpha’s orders. But that didn’t matter to them. No matter how much I tried to tell them not to be mad at them, they didn’t listen and just stayed by my side.

Alex has come over a few times to try and apologize, I told Katie to tell him that I forgave him, but that I just didn’t want to see anyone just yet. He complied after a while and went back to the pack house. Even Chris has tried to get me to forgive him-which I did pretty easily as well-but I didn’t say anything else to him. I didn’t feel like seeing anyone. It was even difficult just having Katie and Steph here and they were just trying to help me out. But I couldn’t be around anyone.

Mason hasn’t come by. I haven’t even heard from him since the day I found out about all of this. Apparently no one has seen or heard from him in the past few days. Alex told Katie that he had no idea where he went. He said that right after I ran out of the house along with Jake, he just disappeared. He blocked them out of the mind link so they couldn’t communicate with him at all. I was beginning to get worried that something had happened to him, but Steph just told me not to worry about it. She said that he’d be fine. She also said that he had done something like this before, but that was a while ago.

My parents have no idea what’s going on. I didn’t let them know. I didn’t want them to because I knew that they would worry. More than they should. I told Alex, Chris, Katie, and Steph not to tell them or anyone else. No one needed to know about this. The only reason why Steph and Katie know is because they literally forced it out of me. They wouldn’t stop asking me and nagging me until I did and they even barged into my room one day and demanded to tell them why I wasn’t in school for the past week. I had to tell them. And that’s also the reason why I keep my door locked from now on.

What helped even more with this parents-not-finding-out situation was that both my dad and Alpha Spencer had to go to a meeting out of town and my mom and Michelle went with them.  If my dad ever found out about this…I shuddered at the thought.

I ignored the knocking on my door. Katie had been trying to get me to come out of my room or let them in all morning, but I wasn’t about to do that. So instead of listening to them, I walked to my bathroom and closed the door, locking it shut. I ran some bath water and waited for the water to rise. I’d already taken a shower early this morning, but I needed something that would help me relax and attempt to stay calm. I stripped out of my clothes and let myself relax in the hot water. I closed my eyes as I laid in the water.

That was a big mistake.

My mind began to think of Jake. From the very first day we met, until the day that completely crushed me. I thought of all the signs that could’ve told me something was wrong. Like how when he and everyone else got back from that week of being away, how he was so nice to me. It was so unexpected, but I didn’t bother to actually let myself think into it. I just let myself be foolish and think that he would actually want to be my friend at the time.

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