Chapter 12- I Really Have No Willpower What So Ever:

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Chapter 12- I Really Have No Willpower What So Ever

“Cassie, I’m sorry.”

I ignored him as I continued to walk down the hall to my next class. I sighed heavily as I tried to walk faster, but the people around made it impossible to go any faster than I was and so he caught up to me quickly.

“Cassie please just stop. Let me explain,” he tried. I rolled my eyes and continued to act like he didn’t exist. Just like he did to me. “Cass,” he said turning me around to face him. I refused to look at him though. “Look at me,” he demanded. “Please look at me.” His voice changed to a gentler tone. I gave in and looked up into his deep brown eyes. They looked sad. I hated that look. Especially when he was giving it to me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stay mad at him when he gave me that look.

“You left me,” I whispered. “You just up and left, without even telling me. For a week.”

“I know, I know. It was stupid of me, but I had to. I had to go to a meeting. There were some things that needed to be discussed.”

“Meeting? About what?”

He seemed to be a little scared. As if he hadn’t meant to tell me anything about it. But I didn’t want him to lie to me. I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to know why my best friend had left for a whole week and not even bothered to say goodbye.

“It was nothing,” he said quickly.

“Then why did you say it needed to be discussed? Why didn’t you say goodbye? Why didn’t you even try to contact me?”

“It was last minute. As soon as we talked, I had to leave. I was meaning to tell you and talk to you, but I couldn’t find the time. That’s why I want to make it up to you,” he said as a grin slowly spread onto his face.

“What are you-ugh! I gotta go,” I mumbled as the bell rang signaling the start of class.

“I’ll make it up! Wednesday!” he called as he walked the opposite way. What did he mean ‘make it up’? I shook my head as I made it to my next class, barely on time. As soon as I stepped through the door the bell rang and I let out a breath. A few people came in right after me and they all groaned at the thought of a Friday detention.

“Take your seats and get out Friday’s homework and your notebooks! I’ll be collecting the homework then we’ll begin notes!” the teacher announced. I took out my stuff and waited to do something else. “Pass the homework up front-ah! Mr. Spencer! I see you’re late once again!” he said looking annoyed and amused at the same time. I passed my homework to the person in front of me and looked to see Jacob standing at the door. His eyes locked with mine and I swallowed as I felt my heart start to speed up. He gave me a small smile before going to the teacher’s desk and tossing a note onto it. I looked down at my paper. Did he just smile at me? Like, as in an actual smile? Not an evil smirk? No, he couldn’t have. I was just seeing things. I was imagining he did, when he really probably did just smirk at me. I looked up as the teacher mumbled, “Very well then. Take your seat and get out your notebook-seeing as you weren’t here Friday, you don’t have any homework to pass in.”

Jacob walked to the back of the class where I sat-in the very last row-and took the empty seat next to me. I let my dark hair become a wall between us as I concentrated on what the teacher began writing down. I was in the middle of copying down a problem, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. Unfortunately I knew who that someone was. I didn’t look up. I just ignored it, and tried to act like I didn’t feel a thing. I even tried to push the heated feeling he left on my shoulder and the tingles that spread throughout my body away. He hated me. I couldn’t stand him. But I couldn’t deny that the feelings he gave me were incredible.

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