Chapter 8- Play With Fire:

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Chapter 8- Play With Fire

         We played five games. In those games I managed to get seven cantaloupes split open on me, get thrown into the water, and ruin my favorite bikini. I walked out of the water and to the shore, ignoring Alex as he died of laughter while walking next to me.

         “That…that was…the funniest thing…I ever saw!” he choked out. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around myself, shivering.

         “D-d-dang…you,” I got out through my chattering teeth. I looked up and saw Katie, Steph, Braylin and the rest of them laughing at me. I glared at the m and walked over to Katie who was holding out my towel. “Thanks,” I muttered.

         “Are…you okay?” she asked smiling sympathetically.

         “I’m fine. I’d be better if that dumb jerk over there didn’t throw me into the water,” I said shooting a glare in Alex’s direction.

         “I…didn’t throw you in! I threw the ball to you…but you were in front of the water. It’s not my fault you…tried to catch it!” he yelled back after he somewhat calmed down. “I even tried to help you up!”

         “Yeah but what good did that do?!” I yelled back. That just sent him back into his fits of laughter and I rolled my eyes. Yeah he did try to help me up but when I was halfway up I slipped and fell back down and he just let of me because he’d started laughing again.

         I marched back to the field and turned, throwing my towel onto the sand. I threw my arms out and yelled, “Well are we playing or not?!”

         I folded my arms across my chest and waited, with a sour expression, until everyone had gotten back into position. I could feel the water dripping off of my body and with each drop I got more annoyed. Especially when Alex walked by with a smirk on his face. I gave him my best death glare as he walked past me. Instead of being scared like I’d hoped him to be, he just gave a little chuckle. I pursed my lips and looked away in case I did something I’d regret later on. I could hear Stephanie laughing softly beside me.

         “Oh come on, it was not that funny,” I said. She rolled her lips into her mouth, trying to hide her smile.

         “Sorry but it kind of was,” she admitted. I gave her a little glare and turned to face the other team just in time to see them throw the cantaloupe. I caught it and threw it to Braylin who threw it to Katie. She looked around and I tried to get open but a guy kept blocking me. She threw it to Alex and he looked around. I was open for a split second and Alex faked it to me. The guy guarding me was back, thinking that Alex was going to pass it to me but Alex had a different idea. Instead he looked up and threw it high down the field. I didn’t think anyone was all the way down there but I looked and saw Stephanie jump up and catch it. We all whooped and cheered for her and she did a little victory dance. But just as she let out another whoop, the guy who was apparently her boyfriend ran over and picked her up. He ran, faster than I thought possible, and threw her into the water. I watched, shocked, as she sunk below the icy blue waves.

         Everyone was laughing and cheered louder. When she came back up she grabbed him and pushed him under, making me laugh. Before I knew what was happening though, I felt someone pick me up and ran over to the ocean, and I soon felt myself submerge into the ice water. Even though it was hot out earlier, it cooled down a lot in the past few hours and when the temperature in the air gets colder, so does the temperature in the water.

         “Oh crap!” I gasped as I resurfaced. My body started shaking, once again, and I looked to the beach to see Alex laughing like no tomorrow. I swam over to him as fast as I could and before he even realized I was by him, I tackled him into the water. “You jerk!” I yelled and splashed water at his face. He got up, eyes wide and teeth chattering as he hugged himself.

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