Chapter 19- He Doesn't Deserve You Anyways:

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Chapter 19- He Doesn’t Deserve You Anyways

“Hey, I’ve been trying to call you. I don’t know if you got my last…” I checked my phone to see how many times I’d called him exactly and how many voice messages I’d sent, “ten messages, but I’ve been sitting here for an hour and a half now…waiting…so, just give me a call back when you get this. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

I sighed as I once again hung up my phone and put it down on the table. My fingers rapped on the wood as I waited for his call. I’d been sitting at this restaurant for an hour and a half, waiting for Nate to show up for our first date. So far…not so good. I’ve had to keep telling our waitress to wait and every time she’d come, she’d either look angry or she’d just stare at me with pity. I hated both looks.

I knew I should’ve left already and just gone back home, but I didn’t want my outfit to go to waste. Stephanie and Katie had helped me pick this out and get ready. They knew I was going on a date, they just didn’t know who with. I told them that I’d tell them who if the date went well, but right now, it didn’t look like they were gonna find out any time soon.

I was wearing a pretty red dress that flowed out at the knees with spaghetti straps and red heels to match. They matched the dress off with a golden clutch and gold hoops and put my hair half up-half down with curls and put on eyeliner, and some mascara.

I chuckled humorlessly to myself. I knew this was too good to be true. I should’ve known he’d stand me up. He’d called me a few hours ago, telling me he’d take me out on a date tonight and I agreed, only because I had hardly seen him at all this week and we haven’t really spoken either. He was just so busy and I had to focus on my school work because finals were coming closer and closer and I couldn’t do badly on them. I wanted to get into a good college so that I could get a good job. Sure I had straight A’s, but they weren’t easy to keep up. I’ve spent hours and hours locked up in my room studying. I also had to start getting ready for prom. I still didn’t have a dress yet and it was about a month and a half away. I had no date, and no dress. The perfect combination. It would be great if Nate went to our school so that we could just go together. But sadly, he doesn’t.

I checked the time on my phone. It read nine forty-five. I could feel my stomach drop at how late it was getting. The restaurant was starting to close. People were leaving and the busboys were all cleaning the tables and collecting tips. I felt like crying. He had really stood me up. The waitress came back over to my table with a sad look on her face.

“I’m sorry hon, but we’ve got to close up. It’s getting pretty late. I’m sure he didn’t mean to. Something probably came up at work or something. Maybe a family emergency?” she suggested. I smiled up at her gratefully and nodded.

“Yeah. Probably. I’m sorry, I should’ve left a long time ago,” I mumbled as I got up.

“Don’t even worry about it. Here, chocolate cake,” she said handing me a box. I looked down at it confused.

“But I didn’t-“

“It’s on the house,” she said giving me a small grin. My smile widened slightly.

“Thank you so much,” I said and took the box from her.

“You have a good night hon!” she called as I walked out.

“Thank you! You too!” I called back and gave her a small wave right before I walked out the door. I felt my bottom lip tremble as I let out a breath into the warm night air. I began to walk down the sidewalk around the restaurant to my car. A couple of tears fell down my cheeks. I guess he did have something better to do.

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