Chapter 9- Choking At Dinner:

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Chapter 9- Choking at Dinner

         I was beyond glad that I had my own car. I can only imagine how awkward and tense the car ride home would be if I had to get in the same car as him. I looked at how much gas I still had in my car and sighed. Instead of taking a right with my dad, I took a left to the nearest gas station. As soon as I did though, my phone rang. I rolled my eyes and groaned, knowing exactly who it was. There was no way I was answering that. I tossed my phone into the passenger’s seat and let it ring as I pulled up beside one of the tanks.

         When I’d finished getting gas, I drove home, going as slow as possible, without getting a ticket. I pulled into the driveway and took a deep breath. Well this should be good. Great, this is just what I needed. My dad to find me at a beach party with over half the people at school, me about to throw a punch at my friend and her almost shifting on me. Well, that is if she actually is a wolf.

         What a great way to end my first day at school.

         I tried to move as slowly as possible getting to the house so that I could prolong the argument that would happen between me and my dad. But unfortunately, I can only move so slowly before I reached the steps. I paused after each one for twenty seconds but sadly, I got to the door. I sighed heavily as I unlocked it as quietly as I could and pushed it open slightly. I looked inside and didn’t see anyone. Not even my mom. I held my breath, afraid that somehow my dad would hear me. I silently walked over to the stairs and began to go up. As soon as my foot touched the tenth step, I heard him.

         Gotta be quieter than that if you want to try and sneak by me.”



         I turned slowly and looked down but didn’t see him.

         “In my office.” I grimaced and tried to pretend like I didn’t hear him. I took one more step before hearing him again. “Don’t even think about it.”

         I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips in annoyance. Of course he knew what I’d try to do. And of course he heard me. He always does. I gave up trying to get to my room and just decided to face the music. He already heard me so why bother to try and keep going? I walked back down the stairs reluctantly and made my way to where I thought his office was. I still wasn’t used to this house. I only knew where the kitchen and my room were. My dad showed me his office once but I didn’t really pay any attention to where in the house it was. I was too busy thinking of Jake.

         Just thinking of him sent shivers throughout my body. I pictured his angelic face, his amazing brown hair, beautiful bright blue eyes. Everything about him was perfect. Except for his personality. I scowled at the thought of that. That just ruined everything good I thought of him. I shook all thoughts of him away and proceeded to try and find my dad’s office. I looked all around as I walked down the hall. I took a left, another left, a right, a left and another right. Somehow I’d managed to make it to the kitchen. Huh, apparently there are two ways to get here. Well that’s good to know. I groaned as I looked around, trying to listen to try and see if I could hear him. When I didn’t I threw my hands in the air and let them fall back down to my sides.

         “In here Cassandra,” my dad stated. Dang. He used my full name. He never did that. Unless I was in some deep crap with him. I bit my bottom lip as I followed where he told me he was. I turned right out of the kitchen and walked down a narrow hallway. I turned left at the end and sure enough, there was a door. I knocked on the door twice. I always did this whenever I had to go into his office. So that he knew it was me and so that I wouldn’t just barge in and get myself into any more trouble than what I already was in. “Come in.”

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