Chapter 11- Maybe He Isn't So Bad:

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Chapter 11- Maybe He Isn’t So Bad

I sat Indian style, stroking the grass gently as I let my thoughts consume me. Maybe Jacob was right. Maybe I was just being childish. There were other ways I could’ve handled that situation. It didn’t have to get to such drastic measures. But then again, I was known for thinking and acting in the moment. I guess I could’ve just talked it out with her instead of retaliating like that. Poor mom. She’d worked so hard for that dinner and it was ruined because of my stupid actions. We had guests over and I made a complete fool of myself. How could I be so selfish as to only think of what I wanted instead of thinking about the consequences of what could possibly happen in the end? I wasn’t thinking of anyone else when I’d acted. And that’s what happened. The dining room-a mess. The dinner-a train wreck (and all over the room). And then there’s the utter embarrassment I put my parents through. I bit my bottom lip at the thought. Boy did I screw up. Jacob was right. I needed to grow up. I had to stop acting immature and go back and apologize to everyone. Including Katie.

I walked back to the house, my heart- and back- pounding. I’d never apologized for things like this before. I’d always blamed it on the person I was with. The closest I’d ever come to an apology was an eye roll before walking away. But, there was a first time for everything…

I walked to where I heard noises. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom was the only person around. I watched as she was at the sink, cleaning dishes before setting them on the rack to dry.

“Mom,” I finally said. She stopped and turned to face me. There was nothing but disappointment on her face. I grimaced at the sight. She didn’t say anything, but walked over to the stove to get the pots that were sitting on it. “Where did everyone go?”

She sighed heavily and shook her head as she rinsed a pot. “Michelle and Ryan went home with Jacob, Stephanie and Katie. Alex went to his house too, and your father went to his office.”

She sounded like she didn’t want to talk to me. I didn’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to talk to me either. After the way I behaved, I’m surprised she even was.

“Mom I’m sorry,” I got out.

“Well that’s a first,” she scoffed. I walked closer to her.

“No mom, I’m serious. I’m really sorry.”

She sighed again but turned the water off and turned to me as she put her hands on her hips. “Cassie I just don’t understand. What’s gotten into you? You’ve never acted like that while we’ve had company over. And you’ve surely never started fight like that-and trust me, your dad and I have seen you get into plenty of fights. I just don’t understand what was going through your head.”

“I don’t know. I guess I just…snapped.”

“You snapped. She said something and you just snapped? I don’t think so.”

“I was just…trying to find out the truth,” I admitted.

“About what Cass?” she asked crossing her arms. I chewed my bottom lip as I thought about what to say. If I told her what I thought, hopefully she wouldn’t think I was crazy.

“It’s just…I was just…well the thing is…”

“Just spit it out!”

“I think Katie is a shifter.”

I was expecting her to laugh. To say that I was crazy to think something like that and that there was no possible way that could be true. But she didn’t. She just stared at me before dropping her gaze to the floor. A sick feeling came to my stomach.

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