Chapter 20- How Long Have You Known:

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A/N: Hey everyone! So, I've been trying to get my story back to where it was before I left, and I think that this was the last chapter I posted...I don't know. But, I've got more chapters written for this story that are ready to upload, but I would like to get more reads for this. So, if you could, and if you're reading this story, please share it with your friends. It would mean SO much to me :) and if you're reading this, if you could vote and comment that would be AMAZING! Anyways.....enjoy!!!!!

Chapter 20- How Long Have You Known?

         I laid on me bed with my eyes closed, waiting for Nate. I’d ben talking to him all day and he said he wanted to see me. Probably about last night. I wanted to see him too. It’s been as week and a half since we actually spoke in person and frankly, it felt as if we were just growing apart. People say that time apart will make your feelings grow stronger for each other, but that’s actually not how I felt with Nate. Jake has been over here a few times today and we hung out and just relaxed downstairs. He’s just so much fun to be around. I guess that’s why I haven’t been missing Nate the way I should be.

         I heard movement and I opened my eyes to see Nate standing in my room. A smile grew on my face and I sat up, moving over some so that he could sit next to me. He came over and as soon as he sat down, he kissed me. His had tangled in my hair and my hands fisted the front of his shirt, pulling him closer to me. Throughout the whole kiss though, one thought kept ringing in my mind…

         It wasn’t anything like Jake’s. It didn’t even come close.

         But I laid back down, letting him hover over me and deepen the kiss. I was determined to make this kiss better than Jake’s. It had to be. Nate is my boyfriend after all and it should be better than my friend’s…right?

         Nate started trailing kisses down my neck and I tilted my head to the side to give him better access. Why wasn’t this getting any better? I wrapped my legs around him, bringing his body closer to mine. I ran my fingers through his hair. It didn’t feel the same as Jake’s did. It wasn’t silky or smooth at all. It was rough, and felt completely wrong so instead I just gripped his shoulders.

         Come on, this has to be better than Jake’s one kiss!

         Faint tingles ran through me as his hands moved up inside of my shirt and so I took hold of those feelings and tried to make them stronger, focusing on nothing but them. They had to be stronger.

         But it didn’t work, and I quickly lost interest in the kiss. I pulled away and let go of his shirt. He looked confused for a moment before taking his hand away from my hair. Ugh, why couldn’t I be a good girlfriend and just enjoy what we were doing? But then something ate away at me inside. It was guilt, and it was gnawing at my heart. I felt terrible about the way I cheated on Nate, and I knew that the only way to make things better was to tell him the truth. Maybe he’d even understand. Maybe he’d realize that it was just a big mistake and that it’ll never happen again. I took a deep breath and looked down at my hands.

         “Nate, there’s something I need to tell you…something you should know…” I began. I closed my eyes for a second and gathered up all my courage. “I kissed Jake last night.”

         He was deadly quiet. I raised my eyes to look at his face. He was emotionless. Well, at least he wasn’t screaming at me or any-

         My head snapped to the side as pain exploded in my right cheek. I cradled it with my hand and turned my head back around. Nate was standing up, and he was absolutely livid.

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