Tyler's Outburst

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   Nicole returned home to find Tyler & Carol sitting in the den with pained expressions on their faces. They both looked up when Nicole walked in the room. Carol had been crying & Tyler was angry. Carol got up and hugged her. "So you met Klaus... Are you okay?" Carol asked pulling out of the hug. Nicole nodded and sat down next to Tyler. "I know this is as hard for you both as it is for me. This isn't going to get easier but for now I'm still me; I'm still here & I love you both so much." Nicole said looking at Carol. Carol smiled sadly. "No matter what happens, you will always be my family." She said looking at Tyler. Tyler was just staring into the fire while Carol was trying to keep herself together. Nicole was the glue that held them together since Richard was killed on Founder's Day. Tyler suddenly got up and started pacing in front of the fire. "Look, I know he's your dad and he had no idea you were alive but I don't want you to leave with them!" He said with his voice raised. Nicole was in shock. Tyler never got this upset. He never let his emotions get the best of him. "You have no idea what Klaus & the rest of them have done to this town!" he spat with venom in his words. "Klaus killed Elena just so he could break a curse! Granted she came back to life but still! He killed me without knowing if I'd stay alive to make more hybrids!" He was in Nicole's face with his hands on her shoulders. He was raving mad. His eyes flickered amber and his fangs started to expose themselves. Nicole was scared. "Tyler calm down!" Carol yelled and pulled him off of her. Carol backed away from him. Tyler looked in a mirror on the wall and saw his hybrid face. He looked at Nicole and saw how scared she was. He took a deep breath and returned to normal. "I'm sorry Nic but you don't know them the way we all do!" He was yelling again. Nicole was trying to absorb everything Tyler just threw in her face. "Tyler stop it! If this is what Nicole wants we have to support her! She's 18 anyway, the choice is hers." Carol said moving and sitting next to Nicole.

Apparently there was more than what everyone had told her at the Grill. How had Nicole not known about this? How had they all managed to keep her so in the dark for almost 6 years? She needed to know what other horrible things Klaus & The Originals had done to her friends and family. She got up from the couch hugged Tyler and Carol, and left in silence. It was time to go see Stefan & Damon.

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