Nicole's Powers

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  Nicole didn't know what to say. "What about her witch side? Do you want her to embrace it?" Klaus asked. Nicole snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Bonnie. "It's up to her. Considering your mother was The Original Witch; Nicole has a great amount of power. I'm actually kinda shocked she hasn't lost control yet." Bonnie stared at nicole with a quizzical brow. Nicole looked around the room and saw everyone staring at her.

Nic: "What?"
Nik: "Bonnie is wondering why you haven't exhibited any magical powers. I have to agree; It is odd."
Bon: "Nicole, have you ever done something you couldn't explain? Set fire, broke glass, had visions?"
Nic: "The visions thing rings a bell. I used to see distinct numbers, colors, letters and eventually they'd be more prominent in a situation of my life. I used to see scenes in my dreams then I'd be living them. But isn't that DejaVu?"
Bon: "It depends on how long the scene was and how often this was happening."
Nic: "I used to have them once a week. Sometimes I wasn't even in the visions. It was about someone I was connected to."
Bon: "So your powers have been being used. When you were little, did you have anything happen?

Nicole had to think back. She had to focus. She shut her eyes and tried to remember. As this was happening she felt someone grab her hand. It was Bonnie; she was trying to see into Nicole's mind. She saw Tyler fall out of a tree and Nicole scream and suddenly Tyler stopped falling and float down to the ground. Bonnie gasped and let go. Nicole's eyes shot open when she heard Bonnie gasp.

Bon: "You have more abilities than I do."
Nik: "What did you see?"
Bon: "Tyler. She stopped him from falling out of a tree by making him levitate down."
Nic: "So I really do have powers?"
Bon: Yes, and I think it's time you know how to use them so you can protect yourself and your family."
Nik: "Alright then, Nicole, it's up to you."
Nic: "If this is the gift I've been given; I'll embrace it."

Everyone smiled. Klaus put his hand over Nicole's and smiled at her. "Well I hate to break this up but I have a trip to New Orleans planned and my flight leaves in 3 hours." Klaus stood up out of his chair. 'Nicole do you want to stay or come home?" He asked. "I actually have to talk to Stefan but I'll be home before you leave." Klaus kissed her forehead and left. 

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