Find An Elder, Celeste's Remains, Complete The Harvest

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Sabine is in one of the tombs, working on a spell in a small cauldron, when Sophie enters carrying a heavy knapsack. She wrinkles her nose when she sees Sabine's spell. "If that's dinner, I pass." Sophie says. Sabine is angry. "Sophie, where have you been?" Sabine asks. "Short answer; grave robbing. Stop whatever you're doing. We need to find Davina. I figured out a way to complete the harvest." Sophie says confidently. "What? How?" Sabine is confused. "We need an Elder to do it, right? I figured out a way how to become one." Sabine shakes her head. "Soph, you can't just become an Elder. That power has to be bestowed upon you by the other Elders, all of whom are dead. Following my logic?" Sophie huffed. "How about follow your history? I did research. In 1742, there was a witch massacre that wiped out all the Elders, so they decided whoever consecrated the most powerful dead witch in the community became an Elder. It worked for them." Sabine tilted her head. "Teeny flaw. What powerful witch is even left for you to bury?"

Sophie opens up the knapsack and dumps out all of the bones she dug up. She then pulls out the photo of Celeste that was on her coffin. She tosses the picture to Sabine. "Meet Celeste Marie-Hélène Dubois, Elijah Mikaelson's old lover. She was drowned in 1821 for being a witch. He buried her, never told anyone where." Sabine is shocked and confused. "So how the hell did you find her?" Sophie starts to assemble the bones on an altar. "I bribed Hayley to read his journals, and then I dug her ass up so I could consecrate her bones and absorb her power." Sabine is appalled. "That's not disrespectful." Sophie raises her hands up and lets them slap against her thigh. "Yeah? Well, we only have a couple more weeks to complete the Harvest." Sabine tries to reason with her. "Soph, I'm aware of our deadline, but..." Sophie cuts her off. "And if we fail, the witches are done for in this town. Our power will fade for good. Those girls sacrificed will never resurrect. My niece will never come back. If digging up some creepy old bones means I get Monique back, I don't care about anything else." Suddenly, Elijah and Nicole appear in the doorway. "I happen to care. You're coming with me." Sophie sighs in disappointment.


Elijah and Nicole have brought Sophie back to the compound, where they have joined Klaus, Rebekah and Jeremy to discuss their current predicament. "So you have stolen the remains of the very person that Davina's been drawing for months. Would you care to explain this startling coincidence?" Elijah asks Sophie. "I can't. I didn't even know who Celeste Dubois was until I..." She is cut off when the house starts to shake violently, like the earthquake from earlier. Jeremy runs and grabs Nicole who lost her balance. Sophie looks alarmed, but Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah seem merely annoyed. "Was that Davina?" Sophie asks. Jeremy lets go of Nicole. "Charming little habit she's developed." Klaus said with an irritated face. "And the earthquake I felt today?" Sophie asks again. "Also Davina." Rebekah stated. "And, she's taken to vomiting dirt." Nicole added.

Sophie becomes panicked. "Oh. We have a huge problem. I thought that we had more time, but we need to complete the Harvest now." Sophie said. "Said the desperate witch." Klaus stated. "Conveniently." Nicole added. "I'm serious! That earthquake you just felt is a preview of the disaster movie that is about to hit us." Sophie says annoyed. "Why should we believe you?" Elijah presses her. "You've met Davina, you know her story. For months now, she's been holding all the power of the three girls sacrificed in the Harvest ritual. A force that was meant to flow through her and back into the earth. One person was never meant to hold that much power. It's tearing her apart, and it will take us down with it." Once again fear creeps upon everyone's face.

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