Time to Say Goodbye to Katie and Thierry

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   It's later in the day, Nicole and Hayley eavesdrop on Sophie, Rebekah, and Klaus from the hallway as they talk behind a closed door in the study. They hear Sophie objecting to something. "Are you out of your mind? No way." Rebekah sighs. "It's very simple-- We need you to perform a teeny, tiny locator spell to help us find our brother." Sophie scoffs. "Witches who practice magic in this town get caught, and then they get killed." Klaus nods and sits in front of her. "Yes, about that. It seems you left out a crucial detail when we made our deal--Marcel's secret weapon, the way he knows when a witch is using magic..." Rebekah interrupts. "Teenage girl; about yea high, cute as a button, anger issues?" 

Sophie looks shocked when she realizes who they're talking about. "Davina? Where have you seen her?" Rebekah was getting angry. "We don't know. The little brat erased mine and Nicole's memory right after she threw me out a window with her bloody mind and exposed Nicole as a witch to Marcel." Klaus approached Sophie. "Let me cut to the chase. Davina has Elijah. Marcel is planning on using Nicole to gain more power over you. You witches, I assume, want to get Davina away from Marcel. We don't know where she is. Ergo, we need magic." Sophie looked scared. "Davina would sense it." Nicole came in and interrupted. "Unless, of course, another witch; say a traitor to the cause, Katie for example; was to perform much more powerful magic at the same time. That would create a smokescreen, concealing your very small spell from Davina."Sophie glared at Nicole. "Katie doesn't deserve to die."

Klaus angrily slams his hands on the table and stands up to face her. Nicole jumped at her father's anger. "Sophie Deveraux! You're in no position to be so principled. You can't win a war without a few strategic losses, no matter how regrettable they may be." Nicole interrupted him. "How many times have the vampires been one step ahead, known something they shouldn't?" Sophie kept her gaze on the floor. Nicole grabbed her hand. "Your poor sister, executed in the public square for practicing magic-- who knew she'd be caught! Did she even attempt to flee?" Sophie stunned in realization. "She was caught hiding in a cargo hold of a freighter before it set sail down the Mississippi." Klaus stood next to Nicole. "And who, pray tell-- of Marcel's valued inner circle-- manages his business at the docks?" Sophie sighs. "Katie's boyfriend, Thierry." Nicole nodded. "Your friend Katie told Thierry where your sister was. I think it's time to avenge Jane Ann Deveraux." Klaus and Rebekah smiled at how Nicole cleverly justified Katie's death in order to get Sophie on their side.

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