Negotiating with Thierry and Finding Davina

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Rebekah has made a stop at the Garden to confer with Thierry, who is still trapped in his small brick cell. He's so weakened with hunger that he's leaning his chin against the top of the brick wall around him. "So much for your grand schemes of using Davina for revenge." Thierry says with a scowl. "Survival first, plots to overthrow my brother second. Where would Marcel hide something precious to him?" Rebekah asks trying to get down to business. "You think I'm just gonna offer that up so you can leave me here to rot? Water runs downhill. You think I have to have drowned before to know how much that will suck?" He yelled at Rebekah. "Fire kills vampires, Thierry. You think burning to ash will be pleasant? Look, I am not forsaking you. I promise to live up to my end of the deal. I'll get you out of here when all of this is done. Just tell me where Marcel would go." Thierry sighs in defeat. "There's a warehouse by the docks." Rebekah thanks Thierry and texts Nicole to get to the docks.


Davina is laying on her cot in the storage unit while Marcel sits at her bedside, comforting her. "If I can just wait it out a few more weeks... Help me, please?" Davina pleads. "I will, and when it's over, I'll do what I should have done-- get you out of town." Marcel tells her with determination. "I had a dream that Tim wasn't dead. He played a song that he wrote for me, and he kissed me, and we were just normal." Davina says through tears. Nicole arrives and stands in the doorway. "That sounds like a beautiful dream Davina." Marcel turns and growls. "What are you doing here?" Nicole steps further into the warehouse. "I'm here for my friend who is obviously in pain." Nicole says angrily. Marcel is furious. "Get out!" Nicole got in his face. "NO! This is killing her you moron. Your stubbornness will bring her to her death." Marcel glared at her. "I promised her I'd fight for her. I'm not breaking that promise." Nicole put a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him. "Marcel, listen to me. No one is asking you not to fight. You're the only family that Davina has. You owe it to her to fight for her to live." Marcel turned to look at Davina.

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