Much Needed Vacation.

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Aman's p.o.v

"Thanks Sarah I really appreciate it. I'll make sure I'll bring back Lilly and Superwoman back to you." I hung up. Satisfied with what I've done. I walked over to my canvas and continued with the art work that was due. There was a knock on the door moments later. "Come in!"

A very confused looking Lilly walked into the room with her phone in her hand and I knew that Sarah had told her. "Aman... something weird just happened."

"What's it Lil?" I asked pretending that this wasn't part of my plan.

"Sarah just called and said that all my meetings for the next week and a half has been pushed back and she said that none of my emails or anything are due for the next week and a half." She walked over to the bed and sat on the edge with a confused looked on her face.

"I know." I said. She looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I asked Sarah if it was possible to give you a break. You already broke down the other day Lil. I couldn't see you like that." I paused and looked at her. "I didn't expect her to give you a week and a half of break but I have somethings planned for us."

"Aman, my work is important to me. Why didn't you ask me first?" raising her voice slightly.

"Hey," my voice got a little louder. I didn't intent to but she wasn't listening. "I care for your well-being Lilly. And you breaking down like that with a full on anxiety attack wasnt helping me. I hated to see you like that. And the fact that I couldn't do much to help you hurt me even more." I paused and reached out to hold her hand. "I cannot let anything happen to you Lil." I whispered. "Please, take this break. Come with me. We can go somewhere and have a great time. We'll come back in a week and then you can hustle after fully resting." I explained. Lilly sighed. I knew she was thinking about Team Super. "Make a quick video explaining the break. I am sure they would understand. No vlogging too." Lilly nodded, sighed and walked out of my room.

I heard her intro a few minutes later and then it fell to a whisper and then 20 minutes later I heard her outro. I put my headphones back on and did my work.

Lilly's p.o.v

Aman was right. I knew I had to take a break. My anxiety was sky high and I couldn't do anything properly and I knew I couldn't bring myself to take a break. Luckily, Aman did it for me. I wasn't too happy about it but I knew I should take the break to at least make him happy. I shot the video telling team super about my break from both channels and even social media. Maybe just Instagram and like maybe snapchat. I sighed and sat down on my bed thinking about what Aman said about him being worried for me and that seeing me like that scared him.

I started to think..... Aman was there for me when Naner passed away and I was a mess then. So me, being a mess now might be reminding him of that and I felt so horrible about it. This time superwoman needed to take a break and Lilly needs to chill with her boyfriend. Lilly needed this vacation. I took my laptop and walked over to the guest room and knocked before entering slowly. Aman slowly removed his headphones and smiled at me. I sat on the bed next to him and sent a quick email to Sarah thanking her and then I tweeted saying that I would be posting a new video in a few hours. I leaned against Aman and started editing the video while Aman answered some emails and added the final touches to his art work. I added the final touches to my video 1 hour later to find that Aman was also done with his work and was now looking at beautiful pictures of beaches and resorts from all around the world. I began to get curious as to why he would be looking at those pictures. Aman looked down at me, "Hey, you done?" He asked almost in a whisper. I nodded and smiled. He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the top of my head and I closed my eyes taking it all in. This situation and how I got here. "I'm sure they'll be happy that you're taking a break Lil. Plus, you have over 400 videos, if they ever miss you I'm sure they'll just watch one of your old videos right?" That made me smile. Ofcourse they would. Team super was awesome like that. I nodded.

Aman deserved better than me being stressed after the trouble he went through to get Sarah to clear my schedule for me. I put both our laptops on the foot of the bed and sat on his lap. "Thank you Aman." I smiled at him. He brought his hand up to my face and traced my cheeks. Leaning in, I kissed him. Slowly at first, taking in how it felt. Aman had his hand on my waist as we kissed. Then there was a knock on the door. The both of us groaned before I went to open the door.

It was Harjit and Jaz. Jaz looked over at Harjit. "She forgot. You see I told." Harjit and Jaz both burst out laughing. What did I forget? "Lunch silly." Jaz said. Answering before I could even think what I forgot.

I turned over and looked at Aman who was now sitting looking equally as confused and then I remembered. Jaz, Harjit, Aman and I were supposed to go eat downtown today. It totally slipped my mind. The events of this morning was too much. "Oh ya. I didn't forget." I replied giving her the most innocent face I could. Aman came over and stood next to me with a smile on his face.

"I'm sure Lilly. Now hurry up." Harjit said turning around and running down the stairs.

"Ya, you too Aman." Jaz and Harjit were the cutest. I guess they were waiting for us downstairs.

"We shall continue that after lunch beautiful." Aman whispered in my ear making me want him more.

I looked over at him and kissed him again. Pulling him close to me before I walked over to my room to get changed for this lunch. The place wasn't fancy and I felt like wearing shorts with a t-shirt. It was too hot and besides, I knew that Aman wouldn't be able to get through lunch with me in this pair of shorts. I smirked and put them on.

(A/N I know i know, i will continue. Dont kill me.)

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