Bentley Promises.

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London is a very rainy city. It's rarely sunny. But today, Aman's sunshine was landing in his rainy city. Her smile can instantly make someone's day better. He was so glad that she was his. Chase, Anoshinie and Lilly were coming to visit Aman and help him conclude his tour. The last stop being his home; London. Lilly knew she had to be there and well, Chase and Anoshinie just wanted to tag along. Airports were weird for both Aman and Lilly. They always found it bittersweet. It's either you're leaving someone you love behind or you get to see someone you love. SO MUCH CONFUSION.

Aman arrived at the airport. He found a parking space closest to the gate that they were landing in. He spotted her from a distance. Her team super sweater and her extremely cute and colourful luggage stood out. You know in the movies when everything else blurs out and that one person is in focus? Yup Aman was experiencing it at that moment. He stood up and walked towards the gate. Chase walked over to Lilly and helped her with her bags. She was all smiles as she started walking towards Aman. "Hey beautiful." Aman said once Lilly was close enough. He pulled her into a hug and she wrapped her arms around his waist holding onto the fabric of his shirt and sighed gently.

"Hey Aman. I missed you." She pulled away from him; still holding onto his shirt. She stood on her toes and kisses his lips. Fully aware that they were in the public.

"ewwwww staphhhhhhhh." Anoshinie said from behind Lilly. Chase laughed. "Hey Aman." Anoshinie greeted him. The crew was back together and Aman couldn't be happier to be hosting them. Lilly held onto Aman's hand and he helped her with the bags as they walked out of the airport and to his car. "Hey Ink! Where's your Bentley?" Anoshinie questioned. Aman cleared his throat and adjusted his turban.

"Hmmmmm, it's at the hotel. It's too much of a mess to bring down." The other three nodded as they entered the car after packing the bags in the back. They drove to the hotel with the music blasting and singing was definitely going down. Just like old times Aman thought as he drove. It's good to be back Lilly thought as she turned to face Aman as he focused on the road; a smile plastered on her face. 

His exhibition was held near the hotel so he was also staying there. Aman had already booked the rooms for them but then he realised that maybe he booked one too many. There was no way he was sleeping away from Lilly while she was here. Aman had arranged dinner for them in his home and now all he wanted was for Lilly to be in his arms.

Anoshinie's p.o.v

Aman already had a room, he booked a room for Chase and 1 room for Lilly and I. But I knew tonight and all the nights, I was sure to be sleeping alone cause well, #Amilly. Lilly and I walked into the room with our bags and jumped onto the bed. "Baba, we're in London." I announced.

"Yes Nanu, we are! We should definitely explore!" I thought about the possibility of doing a crazy photoshoot with my best friend in the streets of London. There was a gentle knock on the door. It was Aman. I opened the door for him and smiled. "Thanks for this Aman." I said.

Lilly looked up from her phone and smiled at me. "You're welcome Anosh, the pleasure is all mine. Thank you for coming down for my exhibition. Anyway, I need you ladies to be ready in 1hr and 30 minutes for dinner at my house." Aman said looking over to Lilly. We nodded in unison.

When Aman left, I turned to smirk at Lilly. "I know you want alone time with him baba." A blush crept up her face and she buried her face into the pillows. "After dinner I'll ask Chase to go for a walk with me to get dessert. Okay?"

"You're the best Nanu!! I freaking love you! More than Aman. Just don't tell him." I started laughing this is the true meaning of sisters before misters. "Okay I'm going to take a shower. Have you decided on what to wear? I don't want to be over dressed just something simple I guess." I agreed with her completely.

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