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4th of July. New York City. Private yacht. Candle lit dinner for two. It was a perfect over the top night for them. To top it off, fireworks. But it was a well-deserved. They sat outside the yacht wrapped in each other's arms with blankets around them. She turned her head to see Aman staring up at the sky, his eyes reflected the fireworks and he looked relaxed. He had a soft smile on his lips and she just kept staring at him.

The soft planes of his face, his defined jaw line, his lips. She was lost in the beauty that was his face. It made her smile and it calmed her racing heartbeat. He turned and faced her, catching her staring at him. She looked down feeling the blush creep onto her face. She felt him lean in and then everything was a blur.

She leaned in with him, staring into his eyes. She kissed him so many times but every time he leans in, her heart begins to race. Their lips met in a soft collision. No urgency, no tongues and it wasn't forceful. She sighed into his lips and wrapped her hand around his neck. She felt him pull her closer putting his arms around her waist. Her lips parted then the kiss deepened with more passion. The flames were hard to ignore. Lilly concentrated on the kiss and the fact that this night was an important night in their relationship.

The fireworks had long stopped but hey were oblivious to all that was going around them. They released one another and rested their foreheads together. They were staring into each other's eyes in silence. Everything was perfect she thought. She's perfect he thought.

"Tonight was perfect. Thanks Aman." Lilly whispered. Aman held her left her and looked at her ring finger. The ring glistened in the moonlight and he was happy he chose that night to propose to her. Everything about it was perfect.

"You're welcome future Mrs Amandeep Singh. I love you." Aman whispered. He brought her hands up to his lips and kissed her gently. He asked her to marry him and she said yes. She actually said yes.

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