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(A/N warning feels.)

One phone call. That's all it took. I heard her trembling voice over the phone and I knew something wasn't right. She cried. A lot. I listened, but I had nothing to say. I tried but I knew that nothing I said could make this better. I booked a flight immediately to fly to Toronto the next morning. It wasn't cheap but I didn't care. She needed me and although she didn't say anything, I knew I had to be there for her. "Lilly I'm coming." That's all I said. She didn't object but I knew I had to be there for her and her family. It's hard, especially with nanaji. He was an amazing man and I will always remember drinking tea with him as he told me stories about his adventures as a young boy in India. Lilly was extremely close to him and I knew she would have felt it.

Through the funeral, Lilly didn't shed a tear. At least not in front of her family and friends. Even when we were alone she just stared blankly into space or she would lean on my shoulder and just sigh. But never once did she shed a tear. I couldn't take it. But I had to be strong for her. Her parents flew to India with Tina. Lilly and I were left to take care of the house and clean up naner's room a little. I hugged her tightly when I was around her and made sure she ate food and drank water. "Hey Aman." She called out to me. I turned around to look at her.

"Yes my love" I responded with a small smile on my face.

"Can we cuddle please..." she replied looking down on the floor. I walked towards her and put my hand and her cheek. She looked up at me with glassy eyes and my heart broke a little.

"Of course we can Lil." I pressed a kiss on her forehead and and carried her. She didn't struggle or anything. She just snuggled closer to me and sighed. I felt a tear seep through my shirt and I held on to her tighter. I walked her into her bedroom and laid her on the bed. I covered her with the sheets. I walked over to switch off the lights and got back into the bed with her. She snuggled closer to me and I wrapped my arms around her waist; pulling her closer to me as she sighed. The silence engulfed us as we cuddled listening to the clock tick away. I felt a tear drop on my arm. "Hey, babe. Whats wrong?" I asked the concern could be heard in my voice.

Lilly's p.o.v 

I couldn't help it. I didn't mean to cry. But the atmosphere was just so calming at I felt so safe and secure in Aman's arms. I tear escaped before I could wipe it away. "Sorry." I mumbled as I felt Aman tighten his arms around me. 

"Dont apologize baby." He said in a calming voice. "You can let go now, I'm here for you." I know that he will be here for me.

"Aman, do you think I am weird for not crying at the funeral?" I asked, feeling vulnerable. 

"Of course not Lil. Everyone deals with it differently. I channeled it to my art.. and you dealt with it by being strong and there for your family." He sighed. "But now, I'll be strong for you if you need it Lil. Naner loves you and you know he would want you to move and be happy." Leaning in, he pressed a kiss on under my ear. "You dont have to be strong anymore babe. I'll be here for you." Then I lost it. 

Third person's p.o.v 

Lilly broke down in Aman's arms in heavy sobs and her tears were all over his shirt. At that point of time he didn't care he just wanted her to feel better and he knew that Lilly has been hurting on the inside for a really long time. She was strong but right now the only thing holding her up was Aman's arms. He just held onto her as she cried. Losing Naner was hard for her and it was even harder for her that she wasn't there when he took his final breaths because she was recording a video in her room. Her heavy sobs subsided into quiet ones. Aman kept his eyes closed as he rocked her back on forth in attempts to cool her down. Aman helped Lilly to get into a more comfortable cuddling position and he hugged her as she drifted to sleep after all the crying. Plating a kiss on the top of her head, "Sleep well princess." he whispered. That night was tough for both of them but it was needed for Lilly to just finally crying it out. 

(A/N Rest in peace Naner. #TeamSuper loves you thank you for always keeping a look out for Lilly and showering her with all the blessings.  I hope i didnt offend anyone especially Lilly in this story and if i did, i will delete it....) 

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