I'm over us.

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I can't believe she would roast me on twitter just because I said I couldn't make it to her show.  I texted her telling her I was in a meeting regarding plans for Oslo and she totally roasted me on twitter. Of only she would check her messages and actually bother. 

You know what Lilly.  Heart break does make art and so many of my pieces have been inspired by our relationship and what we used to have.  But now. I'm going to heal.  I'm going to work towards being happy. Because it's not fair.  It's not fair for me. I spent all this time waiting for you to come back to me.  Waiting for you to realise that what you did was wrong.  Waiting to realise that we were meant to be together. I know your work is important and all but I was there for you when you needed someone the most. You flew to London just to be with me so you could talk to someone and feel something again. 

But all that changed. You've changed and grown and evolved.  I guess it's my fault for not changing with the times.  It's my turn to change, grow and evolve too.  With your book in my hand,  I'm going to read it and not feel sorry for myself that my name isn't in the acknowledgements. I remember how we were on my bed in London and you mentioned that you had this crazy idea to write a book one day.  I told you that it was a phenomenal idea and that you should work towards it.  I'm glad you did it.  I'm so proud of you. 
I'm going to read it and allow it to change my life.  You have given me so much over the years and I can't thank you enough. 

I'm done waiting around for you.  I'm going to heal and put myself out there.  I'm going to allow myself to feel again.  I just hope the best for you and wish you luck in all that you do.  You're truly a bawse.

So,  thank you Lilly Singh.  You will always hold I special place in my heart.


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