I'm ready.

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"No we can't get that muffin." Aman smiled as he watched Lilly ease the toy from the hands of her nephew. She used this delicate voice that was normally reserved for animals, children and Aman when she wanted something. The soft tone made his heart melt. The little boy pouted and Lilly sighed heavily. "I'm sorry boo boo mummy said no." Jora held onto the toy even tighter. Aman was tempted to step in, he didn't want to see her struggle. But there was a part of him that was selfish and he wanted to watch how Lilly would take care of Jora so that if Lilly ever agrees to have her own baby with him, she would be ready. Aman could see that she was already beginning to regret taking a child to the mall. She was trying to be nice, offering her sister some space to pack for their big move. It was evidently proving a little more difficult than anticipated. The little boy pouted and Lilly sighed heavily in response. "Sorry mommy said no."

Lilly ran a hand through her hand in frustration. "Hey, Jora." her voice was a little firmer now, placing her hands over her nephew's. "Stop. Mummy said no more toys." She paused. "How about we go for ice cream instead?" a mischievous grin settled into her features. Jora nodded excitedly when he heard the word ice cream. The tantrum was forgotten and the toy was now on the shelf. "Just don't tell mummy okay?" With a relieved sigh, Lilly stood up before taking the boy's hand in hers squeezing it gently as the toddler looked up at her in awe. Aman held onto the other tiny hand and they walked towards dairy queen. Ice cream was consumed and the mess was made. Thankfully, the little boy's clothes were clean and no evidence was left. Aman thought about how it was such a miracle that he didn't get any ice cream on Jora's shirt.

Aman reached over to Lilly, resting it on her hair he leaned in to kiss her forehead; her eyes closed with his actions. "Well done babe." He whispered, noticing his own smile reflected in her expression as he pulled away slowly. Lilly bit her lip as she held Aman's gaze, a comfortable silence enveloping them for a moment before it was broken by a joyous squeal in front of them. Jora was cute and there was no way either of them could stay mad at him.

They walked around the mall a little longer. Aman carried Lilly's baby nephew in his arms as he slowly drifted to sleep. Lilly looked over at Aman and smiled thinking about how wonderful he was with kids. She thought about what an amazing father he would be.

When they dropped a very exhausted Jora home, Lilly's eyes widened in surprise when he threw his arms around Lilly's legs and mumbled a soft "I love you".

Aman picked up the little boy and in a gentle voice "Did you have a nice day?" he asked. The little boy nodded. Lilly's heart raced and she was finding it difficult to breathe, butterflies stirring as Aman continued talking to the child in his arms before putting him own with a soft kiss on the top of his head. "Goodbye Muffin" He called out to the toddler running into the house.

"Okay Aman, we should go." Lilly said abruptly, not sure how much longer she could cope. "Bye Tina, I'll see you at the airport!" She dragged Aman back to the car.

"Lilly, are you okay? What's the rush?" Aman asked once they returned to the car, placing a hand on her thigh to stop her from shaking her leg anxiously.

"Nothing, I just want to go home." Lilly tried her best to shrug nonchalantly but Aman knew better to accept her answer. So, he pressed further.

"Lil." He spoke, so gently the warmth of his voice flowing through every inch of her as he sat back watching her. "Seriously, what's up?"

"It's nothing."

"It's something to me babe. Why are you-"

"I want a baby" She blurted out before she had a chance to dwell on the implications, the words echoing in the heavy silence which suddenly consumed them. Neither of them dared to breathed. The phrase repeated itself on a soundless loop. Even Lilly had never said it out, actually to be honest she never said it eternally either. But now it was out in the open and there was nothing she could do to take it back.

"You want a baby." Aman said under his breath, inhaling deeply after taking the sentence in.

"I-I think so. I mean I know so. I guess. Babe, I don't know." She shook her head and buried her face in her hands.

"Hey hey." Aman pulled her hands away from her face. Swallowing as their eyes met. Her expression was almost innocent and certainly vulnerable. "When uh, when did you decide this Lil?"

"A few weeks ago, when Tina said she was pregnant again." She admitted. "Not that I didn't want to tell you, I just wanted to be sure." Aman nodded, encouraging her to continue. "And then I wanted to take little muffin out today to prove to myself, and to you, that I can do this. If it went horribly wrong then I would be back to square one but I did okay, I think. That is until you messed it up by being so sickeningly cute and made me get all overwhelmed. I was supposed to break it to you gently." She laughed quietly, shaking her head in disbelief at her own words.

"Lil I..." He trailed off with a sigh. "I don't even know what to say. Of course I want a baby with you but it doesn't have to be right now, we don't have to rush this. I'm ready whenever you are."

"No." It was her turn to sigh. "Aman." She turned to face him fully, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek, stroking her thumb over the flushed skin as she laughed sadly. "I've put this off long enough."

"I don't mind." He replied softly.

"Aman. I want a baby. I'm ready, I promise."
He barely had a chance to whisper 'okay' before she was pressing her lips against his in the gentlest of kisses, tears welling in her eyes as the weight of it all finally sunk in. She finally agreed to have a baby and Aman knew that she was going to be the best mum ever.

(A/N Here's the last one shot of 2015! I hope you guys still enjoy reading my stories and if you have any suggestions, please let me know! And if you ever feel like i should write a fanfcition about something, you can message me!! and thank you for all the support. Love, me. =D) 

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