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Lilly flew to New York this morning. Once she landed she gave Aman called; just as she promised. "Hey babe. Everything okay?" There was a silence. Followed by a heavy sigh. "Lilly?"

"Yeah, I'm here. It's fine." Aman could hear how tired she was. "You okay?" He asked. 

"I'm fine." That was followed by more silence.

"How was the flight?"

"They lost my luggage."

"What? All of it?"

"Just about."

Aman couldn't believe it. "Damn, I'm sorry... Do you want me to call and check with them?"

"No It's fine."

"Are you sure?"


More silence.

"Lilly?" He could her lightly sobbing on the other end. He felt terrible that he couldn't be there to make it better for her or even help her in some way. It was hard to hear her cry and not be there actually hearing her cry was hard. "Babe, it's going to be okay. Just get some sleep and we'll figure this out in the morning okay?" He could hear the sobs breaking up a little.

"Sorry Aman, I'm just really tired."

"I know you are. Don't apologize. You know if I could be there I would..."

"I know. It sucks. This sucks. I'm doing everything I can Aman and it just doesn't seem to work." She starts to sob again and tries to calm down to speak to him.

"Babe. Just get some sleep okay. It's going to be okay. We'll figure something out in the morning."


"I'll call you in the morning."


"Hey Lil?"


"I love you"

"I know. Thank you."

"Good night."

After Aman hung up he felt better that he could finally tell her that. He felt bad that he couldn't be there for her and help her sort things out. Lilly sat at the small desk in the hotel for a little. She felt better after talking to Aman. She would be okay. She knew that. But it was hard. She walked up to her backpack and pulled out Aman's sweat shirt and put it over her t shirt which also belonged to him. She missed him already and it only had been a day. This convention was going to be tough. Her phone vibrated and she reached over to look at it.

One text from Aman. It was a picture of an empty spot on their bed in LA. "Your spot. Sleeping alone isn't easy....." Lilly took a picture of her empty hotel room and replied.

"Tell me about it." She laid down and slowly drifted to sleep.

The next morning, Lilly woke up to a text from Aman asking for her to call him. She was feeling better and sleeping with Aman's sweatshirt definitely made it better. "Lilly! Lilly!" Aman said excitedly over the phone. "They found your luggage!"


"Ya they called in this morning. I told them  that in New York someone would pick it up on your behalf and directed them to Sarah for more details!"

"OMG! Aman you're a lifesaver!"

"Well, I do what I can." Then there was silence. Aman cleared his throat. "Well, I'll leave you to do your work."

"Wait." She called out to him.


"I love you."


"Yeah. I think a lot."

Aman laughs on the other end.

"I know." He replies causing her to smile.

"Bye handsome."

"Bye Lils"

Yeah, she loves him. And although she didn't know a lot of things happening right now she knew that she loved him and he was the one constant thing in her life. For that, she was thankful. 

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