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(The day before Vlog day 69 when Lilly didn't vlog.)

The EMAs we're amazing. Making my way to London to see Aman was amazing. Waking up to Aman was amazing. Today, was a chill day. I return home tomorrow and then in 4 days, the crew gathers back in LA!! I had back against Aman's front for the pass 10 minutes. He snuck into his bedroom after his parents left for work. We were just friends in their eyes. And well in everyone else's eyes too. But that's the choice we made, or I made. Aman was ready to shout it out from mountain tops. But I liked to whisper it into his ears, only for him to hear.

Aman pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. He planted kisses along my neck and shoulder.. it felt nice to be next to him again.. "aman," I called out, almost in a whisper. "stop." I felt him smile against me as he readjusted himself so his cheek was against my back. I smiled thinking of how cute he was. I turned around to face him and I was met with his beautiful eyes. Wow.... I'll never get used to looking into them....

Aman's p.o.v

Her eyes. Are like the galaxy but even better. She turned to face me as we gazed into each other's eyes. I pulled her closer to me as she rested her head on my chest. I felt the gentle rise and fall of her chest against mine. This was how I wanted to wake up every day. But I knew it wasn't possible. Cause she's superwoman and superwoman doesn't do marriage. But I small part of me hoped that Lilly would do marriage. I sighed softly and kissed the top of her head. "Morning princess" I whispered. Lilly snuggled closer to me, refusing to accept the fact that we eventually had to get up. "Come on baby, wake up. I'll make you waffles with ice cream for breakfast and then we'll watch a movie and cuddle." I felt her smile against me when I said ice cream. She turned around and stretched, kicking me in the process. The both of us started laughing and got out of bed. I thought about how my sheets were going to smell like her after she left.

The waffle making and eating was a success. I knew that after a movie we both had to do work so I picked a movie that I knew Lilly would enjoy; white chicks.

Lilly walked into the family room and we sat with a bowl of popcorn on my lap. Although the both of us ate waffles and ice cream, popcorn is mandatory with any movie especially if the movie was white chicks. Through the movie, Lilly and I took turns reciting the lines. We laughed before the joke was even said. That's what I loved about being with her. Our relationship was just so goofy and it was built on a strong foundation of trust and friendship.

When the movie was over, we just cuddled and said almost nothing to each other. I looked down at her and smiled. I was so lucky to be with her. Distance sucked. But somehow we made it all work. Lilly moved closer to me and titled her head back to face me. "You look funny upside down bloke." I laughed and leaned in to kiss her.

"You look just perfect." I replied. She rolled her eyes at me and sat up.

Lilly's p.o.v

"You're so cliché Aman. I can't deal." I said. I stood up to get my laptop. The work was piling up on me. I felt Aman wrap his arms around my waist. He pulled me against him and the both of us sighed softly and I felt him smile against my neck.

"Have a great work session my love. I love you. Go take over the world." This is why I love Aman. He understands me. "We'll watch another movie and eat again in a couple of hours. Okay? I'll be in my room."

"Thanks baby," I replied, I turned around to face him. I draped my arms around his neck and took a step closer to him. "I love you." With that, I leaned in to kiss him. We slowly let go of each other, reluctantly of course. I took my laptop and sat down and started answering emails. Work session, mode on.

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