I'm the worst girlfriend ever.

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Today is video day. I couldn't think of any video ideas and it was starting to stress me. This was super unnecessary. Breathing in and out I took my phone and went down to ride my hover board for a little. It helps me think and gather ideas for videos. The mockingjay whistle filled the quiet house as I received a text. Only Aman had that message tone. I smiled taking out my phone from my pocket.

A: Lil, you're the best ever.

Thinking about what I could have possibly done to please Aman that day.

A: Hold not you, your team. Go check out the Amilly edit someone posted as a fan art Friday on the AT2UI account!

Ohhh he wasn't talking about me.

L: Ohhhh. I thought I was the best ever and I thought about what I could have possibly done to please you.

A: Oh sorry. But you are the best ever. Best girlfriend ever.

And then it hit me.


A: You're welcome? Can I ask what idea I just gave you?

L: Presenting the best video ever -> why i am the worst girlfriend ever.

L: and I know it's true. I am good at a lot of things but being a girlfriend isn't one of my strong points.

A: Oh Lilly. Hahahhaha. You're not perfect, but you're perfect for me.

L: Cheesy.

A: okay go. Go and tell the world about why you're the worst girlfriend ever.

L: I love you.

A: I love you too Lil.

Okay. I know I wasn't a horrible girlfriend but I had my flaws. I sat in front of my computer and scrolled through my Amilly gallery and the whatsapp conversation Aman and I have together.

1. Anniversaries with Aman

We've been together for over a year now. We've 'celebrated' an anniversary together. Well, we weren't in the same place when it happened but I am sure that if we were, Aman would have gotten me something sentimental. I took 2 hours off my schedule to have a video call with Aman. We ate together through the video call. I know cheesy but it was the only way we would celebrate it without being too sentimental over text. Aman sat in front of his laptop drawing in between bites.

"Aman, I want to see the piece you're working on."

"Lil, it's for you. Be patient." He replied as he continued. I spoke about my day to him as he drew. The day I had was kind of annoying I had a boring meeting with my accountant that day. "Hey Lilly. Remember when we first got together you told me that you weren't into celebrating monthsaries?" I laughed at that memory. He looked at me like I was soooooooo weird.

"Of course I remember. Its so lame. OMG. Think about it Aman. Spending money every month just to keep bae happy. Nahhhhhh"

"You're right. I mean like they've only been together for like 4 Fridays. Ridiculous."

We laughed about it and continued with our cheesy meal. Although we couldn't physically spend time together, this was better than just texting or talking over the phone.

And speaking from experience I had an ex boyfriend who celebrated every monthsary. I was so not down but I definitely played along. It was ridiculous.

2. Independence

I thought about the times when Aman let me stand on my own feet and was only a support system when I most needed it. Like he knew I wanted to depend on myself. He knew that I wanted to solve my own problems. He was only there to listen and ask questions to help me understand the problem I had and it usually helps me solve my problems easily. He never provided lame tumblr inspired quotes and advice. Knowing that I hated that ish. I've seen couples do that. When either of them had a problem, the other would provide a super cliché tumblr quote type advice and I would cringe every time. On one of the frustrating days, Aman came home with a box of cookies in hand. He walked over to me, kissed me on lips handed me the box of cookies with a huge smile on his face. "I know the problem you are facing is going to be hard to solve. But for now, let's enjoy this cookies and come up with solutions together. I wanted to get you flowers but then flowers cause even more stress because we have to find a damn vase for that. And I know for one that neither of us can find a damn vase when we need to. So, let's get to making you feel better. Okay?" Leaning in, I hugged Aman tightly.

"You always know what to say and do. You're not like a cliché tumblr quote."

Aman just smiled and hugged be back. "You will be okay Lilly. I'm here for you if you ever need me."

3. Emotions.

I'm never good with discussing problems again and again. If you fight with you I like to solve it once and never bring it up again. Aman knows this and he appreciates it. Although he is all about like discussing feels and things, he doesn't like when fights and problems are repeating over and over again. I have a low tolerance for unproductive situations. The both of us rather solve problems using logic than emotions. And when Aman tries to drag in emotions sometimes, I'm just like "Babe, we already talked about this. I know how much you love and care for me. But right now, we aare wasting time when you could be kissing my neck or something." And then we just burst into a fit of laughter and the problem is solved and never spoken about again.

4. Obligations.

I have to admit, Aman is a hopeless romantic. He does like things like good morning and good night texts. Long messages that makes the heart beat fast. Ish like that Aman loves. Trust me in the beginning of our relationship, I tried really hard to do those things. But after a while, I just couldn't. I'm just really bad at texting. There is a higher possibility of me replying to your email than me replying to your text. Soon enough, Aman understood and he was patient. I was horrible but he was always so sweet. Sometimes his texts will begin with like. "You don't have to reply to this but I love you and have a great day!" 

After I was done thinking of all the points. I turned it into a rant. Where I just talked about it. Although Aman makes do with these flaws and finds ways to make do with it, I just know that I'm not good at those things and that in those aspects, I'm the worst girlfriend ever.

But. I'm also the best.
1. I give dope massages.
2. I cook amazing food. (Excluding popcorn)
3. I make sure I treat Aman equally.
4. I love to cuddle.

Like I can list more,  but there's no time for that right?

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