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It was one of those rare occasion where it was raining in LA. And it was the weekends.. No one in LA knows how to drive and the whole industry shuts down during the weekends the whole day just turned into a lazy day where Aman and I curl up in the sheets and talk. We talked about some specific memories we had with each other.

It was Aman's turn and he began, "I remember  you in a club or party. Like the YouTube after party for Mamrie's birthday last year. You were dancing with your friends, careless and sexy as hell, in a tight dress. You have no idea how hot you look when you dance, totally lost in the music. I watched from afar, completely mesmerized. After a while, you noticed me and smiled. Our eyes locked and from that moment on, it was like you were putting on a show just for me, looking my way every once in a while to see if I’m still watching. Then you slowly walked over to me and checked if I'm okay and if I needed anything. You’re so nice, smart and funny."

"Hey, I'm more than just nice, smart and funny okay." I laughed teasing Aman.

"OMG. Of course you're more than that. Your eyes are like so beautiful no painting I do will ever be able to capture it's beauty. Have you seen how cute your smile is?" Aman closed his eyes with his hands before continuing. "And your laugh, your laugh is so sexy. Like. Wow." He stopped and carefully adjusted our bodies so I was now looking at him. He placed a hand on the cheek and smiled slowly leaning in, "God, I love you." He whispered just before touching my lips. It sent a shiver down my spine.  I remember that day too. And I also remembered the way he kissed me that night.

I sat down and faced Aman putting my hands on his chest. "I love you too Aman." I whispered before leaning in I lightly kissed his cheek and trailed my lips slowly to his lips. I breathe out so that he feel my breath on his lips.
"Lil." He said almost in a whisper. I ran my tongue over his lips Aman impatiently moves forward. Deciding that today wasn't the day for teasing him, I let him kiss me as moved over to straddle his body. This is what a weekend should be about. Just chilling with Aman the man I love remembering all the little things in our relationship. It was perfect.

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