heart to heart

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(Disclaimer, this is not a Yoully shipfic.)

"Hey Yousef, is it wrong of me to like not tell Team Super about Aman and I?" I asked Yousef.

"What? No Lilly of course not."

"But they're my family. And I feel like they should know stuff like this "

"You should only tell them when you're ready. Plus, they will understand. They're your family and I am sure they would accept Aman."

"Ya, it's true. They love Aman." I smiled recalling all the memories that I had of Team Super shipping Aman and I like it was their job. It was fun.

"Wow," Yousef whispered next to me. "I've never seen you like that before. You're literally blushing just thinking about him. Damn girl" I giggled next to him and he nudged me playfully.

"Shut up Yousef" I replied, smacking his arm. "I really like him. I might go as far as saying that I love him" I covered my mouth with my hands like the monkey emoji.

"I'm happy for you." Yousef pulled me into a hug. "I want to know what is different about him."

"Okay...hmmmmm.. where do I begin." I moved away from Yousef a little sitting in a cross legged position facing him. "He makes me feel special Yousef. Like I mean the world to him. He doesn't say it. He actually shows it in the things he does." I looked down at my feet and smiled. Yousef just sat there listening. "Just his voice makes me feel better. There's something about it that makes me feel so calm. When my grandfather passed away Yousef, he was there for me. By my side. He said nothing. He just held onto me. When I met the rock for the first time, I fangirled to him about it for 2 hours just rambling and he sat there listening to me. When I was about to do my first AT2UI show in India he called me just to tell me that he knew I was going to changed lives that night." I let out a shaky breath and continued as Yousef just listened. "I never wanted to tell Team Super about us because I thought that he would leave me and I would have to explain to them what happened. He's so patient. I know he wants to tell the world about us. I knew he wanted to shout it out from mountain tops. I feel bad for not giving him what he wants like to tell everyone about us but Yousef I'm afraid of what might happen between us." I buried my hands in my face.

"Hey, I don't think you have to be afraid anymore. He loves you. He is crazy about you. Like a lot more than you can imagine. I've seen it in his eyes Lilly. He loves you for you and he will keep loving you." I looked up at Yousef. "I've seen it in your eyes too. When you talk about him, your eyes fill with love and there's like a glow and sparkle within your eyes. You guys give me mad feels. Like OTP Goals right here."

"Do you think he will be with me if I choose never to tell team super and if I choose to never get married to him?"

Yousef smiled and nodded "He would wait till you say yes. Even if it happens when you are 80. He will wait to marry you. Because I feel like he has made up his mind, in this life you're his for sure."

My eyes welled up with tears as Yousef spoke. I knew it was true. I blinked and I felt a tear roll down my cheeks. Yousef handed me a piece of tissue and smiled. "He loves you Lil. Don't be afraid of telling him how you feel. I know it might be scary. But when you're ready, I know he will be too."

"Thanks Yousef." I moved over to give him a hug. Yousef stood up and pulled me towards him pulling me into a friendly hug.

"You're welcome Lil." He let me go and I just stood there. "Wow, that was deep."

"Shall we go for dinner?" I asked. "This sentimental talk has made me hungry." The both of us burst into laughter. Yousef nodded and we were off for dinner.

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