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(Guys! You can read drunk on Nat_Daoud 's account. Its actually the first part to this and this is our first collab!!! Let us know what you think!!)
When Lilly opened her eyes in an Anaheim hotel room, she realised 3 things. One, she was alone which was not how she remembers falling asleep. Two, she wasn't in the same clothes as what she was in yesterday and three multiple sharp knives appeared to be piercing her skull in a very unpleasant manner. Groaning she rolled over, which wasn't easy. The room was still moving, much as it had been last night. Before she could close her eyes, her eyes fell upon a perfect, shirtless body inches from her. "Good morning princess." Aman greeted sipping his hot chocolate.

"arghhhhhhh" Lilly replied.

"We have to head out in an hour and you Miss Singh, have to take a shower."

"No." She croaked burying her face into the pillow.

"Come on Lilly. You'll feel better."

"Amannnnnnnnnnn." Lilly groaned pathetically.

"Don't make me carry you there Lil." Lilly creaked open one eye and glared at Aman. Lilly raised her hands slightly.

"Carry me over Aman." She asked. Aman smirked and carried his hungover girlfriend over to the bathroom. Lilly turned on the shower far too hot. She stood under the shower letting the hot water relax her muscles. Aman stood outside at the sink and adjusted his beanie making sure it was perfect.

"What the hell did I drink last night?" Lilly called over the shower.

"What didn't you drink last night Lil?" Aman said. "I don't know if I've ever seen you that drunk."

"Literally everything hurts Aman." She moaned resting her head on the cold tiles in the bathroom.

"Wash up woman and I'll get you advil and you need to rehydrate yourself."

Lilly came out of the shower when she felt like she smelt better. Stepping out of the shower and looking into the mirror, she got a look at herself since last night and her eyes opened wide. "Aman." She called out.

He entered the bathroom, painkillers in hand. "Hmmmm"

Lilly pointed to her neck. "Explain yourself man." Aman reached out and brushed his fingers over the little bruise over her neck.

"What's there to explain?"

"Aman! You gave me a hickey! Taking advantage of me when I was drunk.!" Lilly smacked Aman's chest.

"Oh that wasn't me. It was Swoozie." Aman controlled the laughter that was brewing within him. Lilly whipped her head around to look at him. Aman passed her the advil with a glass of water. Lilly maintaining eye contact with him fear was in her face. She took the advil from Aman and swallowed them.  His mouth started to twitch uncontrollably. "I got you so good!!" Aman said pulling Lilly into a hug.

"Oh My God." Lilly groaned.

"You actually thought I'll let Swoozie kiss you let alone give you a hickey." Lilly let out a sigh of relieve and smacked him on his arm; hard.

"You're so mean. Omg. But I mean Swilly could be a thing." Lilly moved into the room and sat on the bed. Aman came out after her.

"I mean Amilly is more of a thing right." Aman replied zipping up their suitcases. They both smirked.

"Don't ever let me drink that much again." Lilly said. "This hurts. How aren't you hungover?"

"Cause I don't drink Lil." Aman walked up to her and helped her get into a sweater and ran a hand through her hair gently. "Come on we have to go. The uber will be here in 5 minutes." When they were downstairs, Lilly leaned into Aman as he draped his arms around her. Lilly was groaning, she must be really hurting. "You're such a baby Lil." Aman said giggling and Lilly buried herself into his chest. Aman helped Lilly get into the uber and she laid on his lap.

"When we get home, we'll get some food and lay on the couch and watch games of thrones and then sleep the rest of the day okay?"

Lilly craned her head to look at him. Slightly smiling she whispered, "God I love you."

Aman leaned down and kissed her forehead, "I love you too drunky." Lilly giggled softly.

(A/N let me know what you guys think! Okay... you know where to find me right? Hahahha byeeee! )

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