Just like #Grester

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(A/N Part 3 of red carpet. It might not be what you expect. So sorry... I hope you still enjoy it. Let me know what you think okay!)

"Hey, you okay?" He asked.

"Of course Aman. I just can't wait to get home." Lilly replied.

"Ya, same." Aman smirked, taking a step towards her. "I can't wait to see that matching bra and panties." A blush came upon Lilly's face and she looked down at her shoes. "Keep your head up princess, you're beautiful." Aman pressed a kiss on Lilly's cheek and walked away. He talked to the last few people that were at the exhibition and explained to the crew about the clean up and pack up. After everyone got their jobs, Aman decided it was time to leave. He wanted Lilly home and they were going to announce Amilly today on the vlog channel cause some fans caught them being all cosy. Although Aman didn't mind if they just ignored it, Lilly said she was ready so like he didn't want to stop her. This was a huge step for them and Aman couldn't wait to get it out there. He was more excited if anything. Tonight was going to be interesting.

Aman came back out to the main exhibition hall to find Lilly vlogging. "Oh look the man of the hour! Amandeep Singh everybody! ooooooo ahhhh." Lilly said into the camera as Aman walked by.

"Oh hello everyone! Hey, Team super! If you like it subscribe it!"

"Aman! It's not the end of the vlog yet! Hahahhahaha"

"I know Lil, but I might not get to say it later. So like hahhaha"

"You're so silly." Lilly leaned over and kissed him on the cheek as she ended the clip. "And that is for me to see. Not for them. Don't have to be all shy!" Lilly added teasing Aman as he started to blush.

"Okay okay enough of making fun of me. shall we get our asses home to we can change out of this." He pointed to her dress and his suit making a disgusted face.

"Trueeeeeeeee" And with that they were out. Out of the venue, into an uber and into their home. The Amilly pad was what Aman called it.

Team Super was Lilly's family and today she was making the huge decision of telling them something that has been a huge part of her life; Aman. They knew he existed but not in the way Lilly wanted. But she was starting to be afraid. 'Opppss Sorry, false alarm. Can't tell you about it today. Sorry fam xx" Lilly tweeted.

Aman sat on the edge of the bed. "Hey Aman" Lilly whispered as she entered the room. She didn't know how to tell him but she knew she had to. "I need to talk to you..." She dragged her words. She sat next to Aman and he nodded encouraging her to go on. "Aman baby, you know I love you right?"

"Uh-huh, Lil you're scaring me." Aman placed a hand over Lilly's and waited patiently for her to continue.

"I don't want to tell them yet Aman...." She replied softly. Aman looked at the floor and removed his hand from hers. "Hey, I love you. Its just that.."

"What Lilly? Tell me. Is it that you're afraid I'll leave?" He said bluntly. Lilly looked at him and nodded slowly. "Really Lilly? Even after all this time? Have I ever done anything to make you think I'm going to leave?" Aman couldn't even looked at her.

"I'm sorry I just don't want to have to explain to 7 million people when something bad happens okay?"

"Wow, great. Thank you for having so much faith in me Lil." Aman stood up and starting walking towards the door. "I'll be in the guest room." Lilly sat there in disbelief. Did that just happen? She obviously hurt him and now she feels super bad about it. She wanted to give him space though. She went into her closet and changed into her ink splashed onsie before settling on her bed drowning her thoughts in her work.

This sucked she hated seeing Aman sad and it was worst because he just finished his huge exhibition and most probably needed someone to be there for him. Lilly felt like screaming and letting out her frustration but she knew that it wasn't going to help. She groaned and put her laptop away. Got under the covers and moved to Aman's side of the bed taking in his comforting scent. She had to fix it. There was no way she was letting this go out of hand. Lilly walked over to the guest bedroom and knocked the door. "Come in" Aman said on the other side.

Walking in she found Aman sitting on the edge of the bed with his face in his hands. Her heart broke a little seeing him like that it was worst that she was the cost of it. Lilly sat on the floor in front of Aman feeling extremely horrible. She was thinking of the right things to say. "Hey Lil?" But Aman spoke up first.


"I understand where you are coming from. And I'm sorry for raising my voice at you."

"Aman, you shouldn't have to apologize it's totally my fault. You're so perfect. And you're an amazing boyfriend and I love you."

"I love you too." Aman replied. "Besides, look how happy Grace and Chester are. They just avoid rumors and ignore all the photos and shippers." They both stood up and Lilly hugged Aman tightly. Tighter than she has ever before.

"I love you so much you have no idea." She smiled meaning every word. Lilly didn't like Aman being upset and she knew that she would never do anything to hurt her. "Hey Aman, I know wouldn't hurt me and I know you love me and I'm not afraid of you leaving." She took a step back taking in the way he looked. "I'm sorry for what happened just now. I totally ruined your night."

"Lilly, the night is not ruined. Being alone with you is my favourite the exhibition was great and everything but it was a lot to take in. I just want to chill with you and take it all in. besides, I understand where you're coming from. Guys are jerks." Aman replied smiling slowly.

"So, Amilly can be just like Grester?"

"Yup, Grester for the win."

"I love you Aman."

"And I love you. Ink splashed onesie and everything." Aman took a step closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. "So cuddle session"

"I have a better idea...." Lilly replied wrapping her hand around his neck. "Netflix and chill?" There was a smirk on both of their faces and the kissed finally, after a long night.

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