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(A/N part 2 of Aaryan. Let me know what you think!)

Aman's p.o.v

"Hey Lil my son and I going for a drive. We will be right back. okay?"

"Oh wow, activities without me?" She replied.

"Lil, I think he wants to talk about something." I began. " He was looking at pictures of Alisha Lil." She walked towards me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that he was looking at pictures for her and then at them together..."

"You think your son is falling in love with his bestfriend?" She asked pulling me into a hug.

"I don't know. I should go talk to him." I wrapped my hands around her. "We'll be back."

"Fill me in later okay?" I nodded and left the room walking to find Aaryan staring at his phone again. Sighing softly I walked towards him.

"Let's go Aaryan." I put my arm around his shoulder gently squeezing it before we got into the car. "Wait, just one question. Where are we going?"

Aaryan smiled. The first I've seen all day. "Where ever you want dad."

"Hmmmmmm..... Let's just drive. Maybe get starbucks?"

"That sounds like a plan! Thank dad!" He smiled at me.

This is my son and if this makes him happy, I'll do it over and over again.

Driving to the starbucks, silence filled the car. Just then, Aaryan's phone rang. It was Alisha. He sighed loudly and put his phone on silent and looked out the window. "Errr, arent you going to answer that?"

"err, I dont feel like talking to her right now."

"What's going on buddy?" I asked. It was starting to worry me.

"I dont know dad. Let's just get the starbucks and get home. I'm sure mum wants something too."

"Don't worry about your mum, I got her cupcakes earlier." Aaryan looked over and smiled at me.

"You guys are seriously goals." Aaryan replied looking out of the window again.

"Everyone says that buddy. hahahah when you were born and didnt have a name, everyone called you the Amilly baby."

"hahahahah that's funny. I'm a Amilly kid." The both of us burst out laughing at how ridiculous it sounded.

"Yes you are." I said stretching my hand out to squish his face. "Aaryan, you know talking about things might help... like it might be hard but trust me it's good for you. Whenever you're ready just know that mum and I are here for you okay?"

"Thanks dad." Silence filled the car as I drove around aimlessly. "I'm scared dad." He began. "Of ruining what we have." Letting out a shaky breathe he continued, "she's everything and I'm so afraid of losing her"

"Are you talking about who I think you're talking about?" I asked.

"Alisha?" He replied. I nodded. Focusing my attention back on the road. I decided it was best if I pulled over into a carpark or soemthing. "Ya dad. I'm talking about her. The other dad she sat there crying cause her stupid jerkface boyfriend got mad at her and almost hit her. Dad I was so pissed I wanted to punch him. But she said I shouldn't." He turned to look out the window. I just listened to him talk and hearing how his heart is so broken. He really cares for her. I pulled into a carpark and parked the car at the far end. I shifted my body so I could face Aaryan. "I know I'm her best friend. But that day when he held onto my shirt crying I felt that i should be protecting her. Like more than a friend." I smiled at how much he had grown. This was becoming emotional for me too.

"Do you think you love her?" I asked him. Aaryan looked up at me and nodded slowly. "This reminds me of your mum and I. Lilly used to get this severe anxiety attacks. And this once, just a day before a big video shoot she got an anxiety attacks in front of me. Aaryan I was so scared of losing her that night. I held on to her so tight and kissed her on the top of her head and I told her that I'll always be there for her." I sighed and continued recalling that day.  "And I wasn't even her boyfriend but that night I realized that she's special and that I love her." I paused, twisting the wedding band around my finger. "I've kept that promise and I've never left her side."

Aaryan looked at me and smile spreading across his face. "Wow, I never knew that story." He looked at his phone and then back at me. "Dad, I think I know what I need to do. Thank you!" He exclaimed leaning over to give me a hug. "Lets get home. I feel so much better now."

"That's good to hear Aaryan. We're always here for you when you need us. I promise"

"Thanks dad." And with that we left the car park to return home.

Lilly's p.o.v

2 hours had passed and I haven't heard for either of the boys. But I knew they needed that time away from the drama. I decided to head over to my office to finish some editing work. just as I was about to sit down, the front door opened. I walked out of the room and leaned on the staircase railing. A very happy looking Aaryan walked in with a cup of Starbucks in hand followed by a very handsome looking Aman. Damn even after all these years he still takes my breath away. "Hey handsomes had a good time?" I asked. Aaryan looked up at me and ran up the stairs. He ran towards me pulling me into a hug 

"Sorry mum if my sad music affected your work ethic today  I love you and and I'm so glad to have you."

"I love you too baby..." I replied. "Everything okay now?" I asked.

"Hmmmm almost i guess. I'll try to fix it now." Aaryan replied heading to his room. Then Aman walked up the stairs. All super sexy. Adjusting his turban, biting his lips.

Third person's p.o.v
Aman walked towards Lilly and pushed her towards the wall; trapping her under his weight. She leaned in to kiss him. Aman placed his hand on her waist and pulled her closer to him. "Aman..." she trailed off as Aman kissed her neck. As much as she wanted to continue, she wanted to hear about Aaryan. She pushed him off gently. "Tell me about Aaryan first and then we'll continue. " Aman smirked nodding.

"Lil, remember the day before we shot leh?" Lilly nodded slowly. "I told him that story. He really likes Alisha. Like her effed up boyfriend almost hit her and Aaryan wanted to punch him." Lilly looked at Aman taking this all in. "I told him the story of that day Lil and he said he knew what to do and that he was feeling better."

"That's good. He's grown up so much. It hurts."

"You should be proud of him. He's a great kid."

"I know he is. We raised him well Aman." Lilly replied  wrapping her arms around his neck.  "Good parenting today handsome." Aman smiled and nodded, pulling her closer to him.

"Yup. I love you"

"I love you too Aman." A smirk fell upon Lilly's face. "But actions speak louder than words. " Lilly held onto the collar of Aman's shirt.

Aman leaned towards Lilly and just by her ear, "okay, let me show you how much I love you." Aman whispered, sending a shiver down her spine. Aman pushed her against the wall and kissed her neck.

Interesting turn of events but it's always interesting and special in their household❤

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