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Everything that happened in LA was real.

Every touch, every word.. was real. 

Its the truth. We have no choice but to accept. 

Maybe he needed more and she just couldn't give it to him. 

I feel so horrible for  associating everything with Amilly. 

It got me in the feels. 

Amilly was real. And now, it's not.. And my heart isn't okay..... 

But we'll be okay right?

Damn my feels. 


Dear Lilly, 

I've always had crazy amounts of respect for you. But now it is just sky high. 

I love you and you have no idea how much you mean to me. I'll always be here for you. Team Super has your back. Thank you for everything. 

That Q&A was honest and it must have been really hard for you. *hugs*




I'm done. thank you so much for reading my nonsense. 

- The End - 

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