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(Part 2 of Someone else, enjoyyyy)

As I got lost in my own subconscious tangent, I felt his body back away from mine, a cold wet feeling on my cheek being the thing to bring me back to the man in front of me. Glancing at his shirt, "I am sorry for that."

He looked down at me, nothing but love and concern across his face. "Don't worry about it." He looked over his shoulder towards his bedroom door. "Look, it's late. I'm gonna go get changed and crash."

His hands cupped my face, sending warmth coursing through my veins, making my skin tingle. He left a soft kiss against my forehead, his scruffy beard grazing the bridge of my nose, just like he knew I liked it to. "You are free to do whatever you please." He backed away from me slowly, just enough to not have to crane his neck to look me in the eye. "You can go home if you don't feel comfortable staying here tonight, or there's the guest room down the hall, the bed is made already."

He stopped talking abruptly, pulling his lower lip between his teeth. "Aman" I questioned, worried about what would come out of his mouth next.

"Or you can, you know." He threw his hand behind him, choosing his words carefully. "Come stay in there with me."
He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay, yeah. Thanks."

"Cool. So, yeah." He turned around slowly. "I'm gonna go do that now."

I watched him walk away, his shoulders dropping a bit once he rounded the corner, unaware that I could still see him. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed some napkins and turned on the faucet, cleaning my face of all the tear stains and whatever else was on there. Did I want to go? Did I want to throw away what I had with a wonderful man that loved me more than anything?
Walking over to the couch, I searched for my phone, noticing the time and deciding to send the message anyway. Unlocking my screen, I saw one message already waiting for me. I didn't even have to open it to know what it said or who it was from.

Did you tell him? It read.
I started a reply, typing a few words out and erasing them just as quickly: Of course I told him.
The reply came back instantly: What did he say?

That he loved me no matter who I chose.
Exactly what I expected him to.

He replied: Are you on your way over?

I thought about the last hours I'd just spent talking to him, and how he managed to say and do all the right things. Even if it meant letting me go.

No. I replied.

Why not?
Because you're not the one, Chase. I chose differently.

I turned my phone off, sliding it back into my bag, and walked towards Aman's bedroom.

Opening the door, I could see the steady rise and fall of his chest, letting me know he was asleep. I slipped off the rough jeans I was wearing and climbed in next to him. His arm wrapped around my body, pulling me slightly closer to him. I melted into the warmth of the man I loved and giggled as he spoke groggily.
"I got scared you weren't the one." He mumbled.

"Maybe I'm not," I whispered back. "But I want to be." I'd always known my answer. I loved him, I truly did.

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