Red Carpet. [2]

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The carpet was about Aman. They stepped out of the uber and walked to the side of the building where no one was watching. "Aman, the carpet is about you. Go slay it baby. Take some dope ass pictures for me." Aman looked at Lilly a little confused.

"Lil, aren't you walking the carpet with me?" He asked.

"Its your carpet Aman. And besides, I don't think we can keep our hands to ourselves after the statement in the car." She smirked at him and trailed a finger down his chest pulling him towards her by waistband of his dress pants. He leaned it to kiss her. "Nah nah bloke. You're not ruining my make up." Aman pouted at her. "Go baby, I'll see you inside." She winked and entered the building. Argh she'll be the death of me. Aman thought has he walked around the building to his assistant.

"Hey Aman. Everything okay?" she asked as he approached her.

"Well, yes of course." Aman was nervous about walking the carpet but he couldn't wait for the exhibition to start and for Lilly to be back in his arms. He smiled at the thought.

"Aman, the carpet is ready for you. There will be press so I will tell you which interviews to do okay?" Aman nodded and adjusted his suit and began walking the carpet. The interviews along the way were great. They wanted to know a lot about the art and the pieces and they didnt care about Aman and his personal life.

"So, Ink." Began the press from Seventeen magazine. "Any special lady in your life?" Oh crap. Aman thought about it for a second. There's no way he was going to tell them the truth without asking Lilly about it first?

"Hmmm.. No? I am currently working on myself." Aman laughed softly and scratched the back of his head and walked off the carpet. That was close. This is hard. He had to tell Lilly what he said before the media twisted his words into something it wasn't.

Aman walked into the exhibition that was currently empty. The line was outside and the line was long. Aman found Lilly looking at the Aladdin piece with a huge smile on her face. He walked towards her and smiled. He wrapped his arms around her slowly pulling her against him. "Hello. How's the carpet?" she asked.

"It was great princess i need to talk to you." Aman explained. Then there was a high pitch scream from outside they both turned to look. The fans were screaming and they might have just caught Lilly and Aman's intimate moment. Shit. Aman quickly let go of Lilly. The security ran outside and asked them to lower their volume. Lilly made her way quickly to the back room and Aman followed closely behind. "Sorry." Was all he could manage. He turned to face Lilly. Her eyes were glassy and the tears threatening to fall. That turned the mood of the day around quickly. Damn. "Its all my fault. I'm so so sorry Lilly. I shou-" Lilly cut him off by pressing a kiss into his lips.

"Please shut up Aman. The night is about you. We'll just vlog about it and make a video on the vlog channel telling them about us. I was already ready to let them know." Lilly explained to the slightly panicked Aman in front of her. She put a hand on his cheek and then around his neck. "Hurry the exhibition is going to start soon. You should go. I'll be down in a minute." Lilly adjusted his suit and his tie before allowing him to leave the room. She took out her phone and tweeted quickly. "Big announcement for a special vlog tonight. You guys might want to sit down for it. ;)" She let out a shaky breath. "Please dont tweet me about it guys. be patient it will be worth it. " Was her second tweet. Lilly put her phone away and walked into the exhibition taking it all in as she watched Aman interact with everyone there. She was proud of him and seeing him grow through all these years was special.

The exhibition was coming to an end. Aman had sold so many pieces and he signed so many things and took so many pictures. She was happy for him but now all she wanted was to go home with Aman and make the vlog and then be alone with him. Lilly stood in front of the concrete jungle piece as she took at it's beauty. Aman stood behind her taking in her beauty. He loved when she admired his pieces. He loved it when she asked hundreds of questions and be curious about the colours and patterns in his piece. He just loved her and everything about her. "Hey, you okay?" He asked.

"Ofcourse Aman. I just can't wait to get home." Lilly replied.

"Ya, same." Aman smirked, taking a step towards her. "I can't wait to see that matching bra and panties."

(A/N how? Let me know!)

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