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Softly grazing his fingers on her lower back, her legs, her neck. She instantly felt like a teenager all over again. She couldn't count how many times they had spent standing, laying, sitting and just holding each other, trading kisses and touches back and forth. Her other boyfriends didn't make her feel like that. Aman did it differently. Their voices were always low; like they were keeping a secret from the world. It made her weak.

She's standing there at the counter washing the dishes. Aman comes up behind her. He grips her waist, pulling her slightly into him. He lightly kisses behind her eat and it makes her heart flutter. "Yes?" She says. She rinses her hands and dries them on the cloth before turning to face him. He traps her in the corner of the counter and places his hands on her waist again.

"I missed you today" he says leaning in to kiss her. This turns into a little make out session. Aman lets his thumb run along her jaw and he kisses her again.

"I can tell." She whispered against his lips. Aman places his hands on either side of her against the counter. Lilly finds her way around the waistline of his sweatpants and onto his lower back, lightly running her fingernails up and down.

"You didn't miss me?" Aman asks.

"Of course I did" Lilly replied. She places her hand underneath his shirt and squeezes his waist. She looks up at him and he leans down to kiss her. He picks her up and onto the countertop. He stands between her legs and softly kisses her shoulder right above her 'One Love' tattoo. Lilly loosely wraps her legs around him; pulling him closer to the counter.

"You wanna stay in for dinner?" Aman asks. Lilly nods.

"I always want to stay in. What's new." She replied

"You're boring." Aman kisses her forehead.

"I know" She says leaning back onto the counter rest her hands behind her.

"I don't care though" Aman leaned towards her pressing his lips against hers slowly. He lets his hands wander under the hem of her shirt. She cups his face between her hands and pulls him towards her. "I love you." He whispers against her lips.

"I love you" She replies. He kisses again, Lilly bites his lower lip making him go crazy. Aman wrapped his arms tightly around her. When they pull away Aman pulls her off the counter and they continue with their own work. Aman sits down to reply to some emails and plan out his schedule on the dining table. The calendar print outs her in front of him and he scrolled through his phone checking all the dates adding them to the calendar. Lilly was in her office editing her audition video. 3 hours later Aman finished with this planning and Lilly was almost done with the video. Aman walked up into her office.

"Babe?" He waved a hand in front of her face as she was concentrating. She looked up at him and pulled off her headphones. "Shall I order food?" He asked.

"Hmmm.... I feel like eating veggie grill. You?" She replied.

"Veggie grill sounds good. Buffalo wing salad?" She nooded at him and he gave her a thumbs up. Aman walked down the stairs to order the food quickly and got back to adding the final touches to the calendar and making sure his inbox was clean. Lilly walked down a few minutes later. "Come here" he says and holds out his hand for her. Lilly walks towards him and places her hand in his. He pulled her to sit on his lap; straddling him. He kisses her above her collarbone and rests his head on her chest, Lilly wraps her hand around his neck.

"You tired?" She asked him

"Mhmmm" He replies as he rubs her legs up and down. "I finished my emails and now I want to work on a piece after dinner maybe and then head out to the gym."

"Gym sounds like a plan. I'll edit a vlog after dinner and then answer a few more emails and then we can head to the gym." Lilly smiled. Remembering of all the times that she used to force herself to go to the gym and now she just wants to go because she loves the way she feels. "Meanwhile shall we take a break?"

"Cuddle session on the couch?"

"Of course come lets go."

(A/N Let me know. Please. If it sucked tell me.) 

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