The Raptors Onesie

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(A/N warning, feels might happen. Maybe I'm not sure. Let me know.)

The Raptors Onesie.

This was really exciting news Lilly thought to herself as she sat in the living the room in her parents' house in Toronto. She had some excited news for her family. But she wanted Aman to be the first to know. They were visiting Toronto for the holidays and she couldn't be happier that this year, Aman was actually with her.

"Mum!" Lilly called out from the living room.

"Kitchen!" She replied. Lilly smiled and made her way to the kitchen.

"Mum, I'm going to head out to the mall for a little bit. I need to get Aman a gift, real quick. If he comes back can you get him to call me?"

"Okay sure Lil. Get going. Be home for dinner okay. I'm making your favourite."

Lilly walked over and gave her mum a tight hug. "Thanks mum I love you."

"Oh and Lilly. Tomorrow your sister's family will be here for lunch. Please don't oversleep!"

"Okay mum!!" She called over her shoulder. Lilly took the car and made her way to the mall. She walked around finding what she needed. Then her phone rang. She looked at the screen to find a very dashing picture of Aman. He's home. "Hello?" she answered trying to be cool over the phone.

"Hey my very beautiful wife. Mum asked to call. Everything okay?"

"Everything is fine handsome." Lilly replied smiling through the phone. "I'm on my way home already. Do you need anything?"

"Actually, since you asked can you get me a canvas like an A3 sized canvas and black sharpies please."

"hahahhaa anything else?"

"And.... Your fine ass." Aman replied with a smirk.

"You're such a prev. I'm coming. Keep your pants on till then Mr Ink."

"Sure thing Mrs Ink." After hanging up Lilly bought the rest of the things along with some cupcakes. She made a point to remember where she parked and made her way home; just in time for dinner.

Lilly's p.o.v

Pulling into the garage, my heart began to race. This was exciting news and I couldn't wait to tell everyone.Aman had to be the first to know though. I left the surprise in the car for after dinner and took the rest of the things into the house. "Hey mum! Hey dad! I'm home!" I announced making my way into my room. I opened my room door to find Aman sitting with his phone oblivious to me entering the room. I walked up to him and took his phone from him.


"hahahahha you didn't even realised I entered the room! What kind of husband are you?"

"Sorry princess. Come here" He stood up and opened his arms for me. He pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my hands around him taking him in. "I missed you."

"Same." I decided I should play around with him. "Race you down for dinner!" I exclaimed pushing him onto the bed as I made a run for the door.

"Eh, you cheat!" I heard Aman say as I left the room.

Just as I was about to reach the bottom of the steps, I felt Aman wrap him arms around my waist and he spun me around. I shrieked. "Eh the both of you are like children!" I heard my mum call out for the kitchen. We all broke into a fit of laughter. She was right. We were such children and I loved it! "Come let's eat." Aman walked into the kitchen to help my mum bring the food into the dining room. Aman walked into the kitchen to help my mum bring the food into the dining room.

Aman and I sat next to each other and my parents sat across from us. Dinner was filled with randomness that I've missed while being in LA. But right now, I just wanted to get into my room and tell Aman the thing I've been dying to tell him about.

Aman was helping with the dishes and I decided to run to the car to grab the things I get them to my room. "Hey guys I'll be in my room if you need me." I announced walk in out.

"Hey babe? You okay?' Aman asked with a concern look on his face. So cute.

"Ya, just need to get some work done."

"Oh okay... I'll be up with you in a minute. "

"Sure Aman take your time." I replied smiling. I walked quickly into the garage. Grabbed the bag from the back seat and made my way back to the room.

This is going to be great.

Aman's p.o.v

After helping Aunty ji clear the dishes, I made my way to Lilly's room. She wanted to finish some work. But tonight, I think I want to have a cuddle session with her. I knocked on the door before entering.

Lilly was pacing around the room; thinking.
What's going on. I walked towards her. "Lil, everything alright?" I asked.

She looked up at and smiled slowly. "Everything is golden." The smile was genuine. I believed her. I stretched out my hand and pulled her into a hug. "Aman, are my parents asleep?"

"Hmmmm nope.  They're downstairs."

"Ohhhh okay."

"Do you need anything? " I asked. She let go of me and walked over to the other side of the room. She took out a paper bag from under the bed. "What's that?"

"Your early Christmas present." She smirked.

"Ohhhhh I see...." she sat on the bed and told me to sit next to her. Leaning against the headboard, I got comfortable as Lilly took out a box from the bag.

"This handsome is your Christmas present." She said handing me the box.

"Thanks Lil! " I replied excitedly. I opened the box to find a raptors hoodie. Like original raptors merchandise. "OMG thank you Lilly!!!" Removing the hoodie carefully from the box I opened it up.

Third person's p.o.v

Aman opened up the hoodie. And held it up infront of him. Looking back into the box he found a small bag. He looked up at Lilly. "Open it Aman" she replied. Aman smiled and nodded. The bag was small and inside the bag it was a raptors onesie for a baby. Aman was confused and then he began to understand. A huge smile formed on both their faces.

"Lil, a-a-are you pregnant? " Aman asked looking at Lilly. Lilly nodded. Aman wanted to scream but he knew he shouldn't. He just smiled at her.

Standing up, he carried Lilly and spun her around causing her to squeal. "Amannnnn put me downnnnn!" Aman listened to her and then pulled her into a tight hug. Lilly wrapped her arms around him as they stood there. "You're the first to know. Well, except for me but ya" Lilly buried her head into his chest. "I'll tell my family tomorrow at dinner and then we can facetime your parents okay!"

Aman was excited. Tears began to form in his eyes. "Thank you Lilly"

"Don't have to thank me baby. This baby, is ours. He or she is going to be so spoilt and loved. I love you." Aman kissed the top of her head and let go of her.

"I love you too Lil. You're going to be a great mum."

"You're going to be a great dad." Lilly replied. Aman walked over to the bed and held the small onesie in his hands. "We're going to be parents Aman. "

"OMG, yup...." Aman whispered." He held Lilly's face in his hands and kissed her slowly. "Damn, I love you." He placed both of his hands on her stomach and got down and his knees. He kissed her stomach causing Lilly to giggle. "You my friend, are super lucky. "

"You're such a dork Aman." Lilly laughed pulling Aman up and into a hug. "And I love you"

"I'm your dork. And I love you" Aman replied hugging her tightly. "Best Christmas present ever Lil. "

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