lovely beginnings.

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Lovely beginnings.

Lilly hosted a campfire in her cottage near the beach. they talk around the campfire until they were the only ones left. The flames burning to embers. Conversations about work and future projects dissolved into conversations about everything else.

Aman tells her about his personal art and his piano and Lilly lets it fill her up, enjoying how he speaks with such conviction and pride about art and music that she can almost feel it radiate off him.

She tells him a lot. She tells him more than he already knows. College, her family, her future plans. He watches her lips move as she speaks. He thought about the things she was telling him and how closely they were sitting. Aman knew Lilly for years and they were even staying together in her cottage but something about this night was different.

They walk together to the cottage when the last of the embers fades out in the early hours of the morning, closer enough their shoulders knock with every step. They walked into the cottage and stood in the walkway between both their rooms. Anoshinie was sleeping with Lilly and Chase and Humble were sleeping with Aman. They stood inches apart. "Goodnight, Lil" He says gently. It's dark in the cottage she could barely see him Lilly smiled.

"Night Aman." She replied giggling softly. She turns to open the room door, only to be tugged back by her wrist. Aman's eyes are wide when he looks down at her, as though he's surprised by his own boldness. Lilly doesn't move as he looks at her.

"I just...." He whispered. He looked down at his feet and then leaned in to kiss her. She doesn't kiss him back at first. She knew this wasn't their time. It's too soon. When he pulls away, he smiles at her. Lilly cranes his neck to kiss his cheek as she cups his face in her palms.

It's a lovely beginning she thought as she entered the room and gently closed the door behind her....

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