Morning Activites [2]

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(A/N part 1 is from the other book. Hmmmm amilly one shots. Yup. Thanksss byeeeee)

He leaned in and kissed her. "Okay, so, where were we?" Lilly draped her arms around his neck and pulled away from the kiss. Aman pushed Lilly onto the door behind her and moved to kiss her neck. He left a trailer of kisses from her neck back to her lips.

Lilly pressed her small frame against Aman and suppressed a moan that was threatening to leave her lips. Aman smirked knowing that he had that effect on her. "Aman" She whispered against his lips. Lilly pushed harder against him causing him moan softly. "Can you just kiss my neck already?" Aman giggled at her urgency. Lilly titled her head back and Aman kissed her neck gently at first and then gradually kissed her harder knowing that it was sure to leave a mark but at this moment, he didn't care.

Lilly's p.o.v

Through the meeting I had one thought and that was being with Aman, kissing him and having him in my arms. It was like being at home away from home. He kissed my neck and he was gentle with it. Sometimes I wished he could be a little rougher because the feeling of being marked by him turned me on a little more. But I let him do it his way. His grip around my waist got tighter as he pulled me closer. He breathed into my hair as we pulled away from our little make out session. "God, Lilly" I bit my lip and laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "You're literally taking over the world Lil. I hope you would still have time for me." He said almost in a whisper. He was being so cute.

I placed my hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. "I will always have time for you my handsome bloke." He sighed gently and snuggled against me as he hummed photograph by Ed Sheeran. I smiled thinking about how he made that our song the first time he heard it. I remember how he sent me a few polaroid pictures of us with the lyrics of photograph attached to it. I still keep them in my wristlet along with all the other small notes and letters he left me when he visited me in Toronto or when he sends me things in the mail. "Now, my stomach is shouting for help. Can we eat your awesome cooking please?" We both smiled at each other. Aman kissed the top of my head and smiled. He held my hand and walked me towards the kitchen.

Aman's p.o.v

Cooking for Lilly is always an honour for me. Thinking about how she enjoys when I cook just makes me want to cook for her more. This time it was in my home and I took advantage of it. Pizza and pasta was just the beginning. "Babe, wow." Being lost for words is a good sign I guess. She stood on her toes and kissed me. We sat on the island in the kitchen and ate. We talked a lot though. Like we hadn't been talking for the whole day. It was refreshing; to have someone like Lilly to talk to. It was nice to have her around. We made the distance work, but having her next to me was different. It was special and I knew she was something I needed to cherish. Lilly didn't vlog today and I guess that meant that #Amilly shippers were left guessing about what we did when she released the next vlog. Thinking about it, our day has been low key and so not interesting. But, it was fun to leave them guessing and to watch their theories unfold on twitter. I smiled thinking about all their tweets and how they all are so excited when Lilly and I are together. I helped Lilly keep the dishes and then we moved into the living room.

"Shall we watch a movie?" I asked her.

"We shall."

"Catching fire?" We said in unison

We laughed at how in sync we were.

I ran up to grab my laptop and some blankets. Lilly stayed in the kitchen and made drinks and popcorn. Lilly settled into the couch and I had a little surprise for her. Walking into the pantry, I pulled out the last bag of m&m cookies that I have been hiding and brought it to her. "For you my pretty lady." I said with the smile on my face.

"Oh why thank you." Her British accent kills me. Leaning down I kissed her. I am honestly so lucky to have her. The movie was starting taking my seat next to her, I covered her with the blanket as she leaned into me. "I love this." She whispered with her hand on my chest.

"And I love you." I replied kissing the top of her head. She smiled and snuggled closer to me.

The arena in catching fire was amazing. Katniss began figuring out that the arena was actually a clock, I looked over at Lilly cause her favourite part was approaching. But when I looked at her, I found her sleeping. Her breathing was slow and the gentle rise and fall of her chest made me smile. She was cute. I reached forward and paused the movie to get her to bed. I eased her out of my chest and carried her bridal style up the stairs and into my bedroom. I left her on my bed and kissed her forehead. "Sleep well baby." I whispered. I felt her stir behind me.

"Amannnnnn" Her sleepy voice was so sexy. I turned around.

"Yes baby"

"Can we cuddle?" she asked. She was too cute. I couldn't resist.

With a smile on my face, "Of course we can but let me go switch off the movie first. Okay?" She nodded and with that, I ran down kept everything from the movie and ran back up. "Okay I'm back." I climbed onto the bed and got behind her. Pulling her into me I kissed the back of her neck. "I rather do this than watch a movie." I admitted. She giggled. "You did amazing at today's meeting beautiful."

"Thanks handsome. Rest well baby." She whispered as she drifted back into sleep with a huge smile on her face. 

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