Experiences over anything

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Aman's p.o.v

It was Valentine's Day. This year was different. I was in Toronto, with Lilly.

It was special and I had an amazing day planned for us. Ask Superwoman Live was already done yesterday and I was even part of it. Many of the questions directed to us were about our relationship and dodged all the questions and managed to finish the livestream without being so obvious. It was hard keeping my hands off her especially when she was being so cute. When the livestream ended, I kissed and told her that she talks too much. She laughed and playfully slapped my arm.

Today was going to be special. I already planned a Valentine's day date for the both of us.

I walked into Lilly's room and put a note on her bedside table before heading out to prepare for the day. I decided that we should do some cliché pottery classes together or at least attempt pottery. It was going to be so ridiculous. Before leaving her room, I kissed her forehead. She's so perfect I couldn't believe she's actually mine. I took the car and headed to the mall to get things for later. Hoping that Lilly wakes up soon and reads the note and follows the instructions. Opppss....

Lilly's p.o.v

I was already awake when Aman came into the room and kissed me. I wanted to open my eyes. But then he left the room. I felt him put something on my bedside table. I kept my eyes closed and stretched properly before slowly opening my eyes. It looked like a perfect day outside.

I turned to my bedside table and found an envelope. On the cover it read, to my valentine; Lil.

Everytime he calls me that, I die a little. I smiled at propped myself up on some pillows before carefully opening the envelope.

Dear Lilly,

Good morning. I've a great day planned for us. Get ready my love. It's going to be cliche. Dress comfortably. I love you. Xoxo

PS, you were so cute when you were asleep.

Cliche date with Aman? I'm all for it.! I got of bed and called Aman. But he didn't answer. So I walked out of my room.

Aman's p.o.v

I knew she would have a hundred questions. So I decided to write them all on post its and leave them around the house.

Lilly's p.o.v

I walked over to Aman's room. There was a post it on his door.

Morning beautiful. Don't look for me I'm not here. Go to the kitchen please.

Listening to Aman was the only way I could get to my date with him. I walked to the kitchen to find another note

eat breakfast princess. You'll need it. Then take a shower.

Following his instructions was the only way this date was going to work right? I made myself an omelette and sat at the table scrolling through my social medias. I saw some people tweet my using the Amilly hashtag and although the tweets were so retweet and favourite worthy I had to resist the urge to do so to avoid exposing my relationship with him. Neither of us were ready to tell our fans/subscribers so we kept it as our secret. I ate quickly and went up to my room. I plugged my phone in to charge and then charged my laptop too.

I walked over to the bathroom and went in to take a shower. There was another note there.

I know how much you liked the passion fruit bath set you used in London. So, here. I got you the same bath set in a larger scale. The body butter is in drawer under your sink. Get ready love, you're so close to finding out what our date is.

Aman's p.o.v

I had everything ready for our date. I just had to text her the address and wait for her to get here. I went to the mall and got some things to prepare us for movie night. That's my favourite part of the day when I get to cuddle with Lilly and watch movies. After I got everything, I sat down in the Tim Horton's and sipped on a icee capp while waiting for Lilly. After she takes a shower and opens her closet to find what to wear she would find a note to ask her to give me a call. I was wearing jeans and a short sleeve shirt with my black turban. 15 minutes passed and my icee capp was almost done. just then my phone rang. It was Lilly. I smiled to myself before answering.

L: Baby you're so cute ! I cant!

A: Hello Lil. Morning! I tried.

L: I want to know where we are going Aman! Tell me.

A: First are you dressed and ready to leave?

L: Yes.

A: Great. Take whatever you need and go to your car.

L: This better lead me there. What's the address.

A: Bye Lilly!

L: Aman you didnt tell me the add-

I quickly hung up and waited for her to text me when she got into the car. I knew that she'll be grumpy and annoyed for making her do so much. I had a surprise for her in the car.

Lilly's p.o.v

Aman's wild goose chase was so annoyingly cute I couldnt deal with it. I chose not to vlog today and I know that it makes it more obvious that I am spending Valentine's day with Aman but I didn't care. I grabbed my things and walked down to the garage. I put on my shoes and check my outfit once more before heading out. I wore a white crop with black jeans and my white shoes. I think I look damn fine. I also brought along my leather jacket because god knows what Aman wants to do. I got into my car and there was another note.

Wow. You look pretty. Anyway, dont be angry okay you're almost there. Here's the address. See you there beautiful.

Awwww Aman. He's so sweet. I texted him that i just left my house after typing in the Address into my GPS. I drove following the GPS. I stopped in front of an arts and crafts store near downtown Toronto. Aman was standing outside and I knew that this date was going to be amazing.

Aman saw me and smiled. He walked up to me and gently pushed me against the car and kissed me. "I missed you baby. You took so long." I smiled and playfully hit his chest.

"Obviously, you had so much instructions for me to follow you're so bossy. I cant. " Aman laughed and I held out my gun fingers "Pew Pew" Aman pretend like he died and the both of us walked towards the shop. The lady at the counter saw Aman and smiled.

"Ahhhh hello Mr and Mrs Singh. This way please." Did she just address us as a married couple? The weird thing is, I wasnt freaked out. I actually liked the way it sounded. She brought us into a room filled with clay pieces that were unpainted. I understood what the date was and hugged Aman from the side. He's giving me experiences. Like pottery. I smiled and I knew I was blushing but I didnt care.

I knew this Valentine's day was going to be amazing. When the lady left the room, Aman bent down and kissed the side of my head "Happy Valentine's Day my love" he whispered.

"I love you Aman." I stood on my toes and kissed his lips gently.

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