Mum knows best

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(A/N Continuation from Waffles and waffles [2], enjoy.)

"AMAN" A voiced called out from the back. Busted. It was his mum. Shit. We pulled away quickly and I hopped off the counter and looked at Aman. Damn. This was bad. She walked over to where we standing and put the grocery bags on the counter top. "There are more groceries in the car. Bring them here and put them away. I need to process what I just saw." I was so embarrassed my gaze never left the floor. I heard Aunty ji walk away, up the stairs and into her room. Aman held my hand reassuringly and walked towards the car. No words were exchanged as we put the groceries away. I didn't want them to find out this way. "Aman," I began. "Sorry"

"Shhhhh no babe it's not your fault." He said. He put his hand and my cheek. "It's going to be okay." Leaning over he pressed a kiss on my forehead. "Why don't you go take a shower and then we'll talk about it okay?" I didn't know what more I could do and taking a shower would give me time to think about this. I hoped that they wouldn't tell my parents about this. I wanted to be the ones to tell them. I nodded to whatever Aman said and walked up to his room to go take a shower.

Aman stayed in the kitchen with his face in his hands.

Third person's p.o.v

The house was silent. No laughter, no television, no talking. Everyone was thinking. The voices in their heads were loud. Louder than ever. Aman though about how his mum walked in on them making out on her kitchen counter. He thought about how she already found out in the worst way possible and how he now has to explain it to her.

Lilly sat on his bed with her headphones in and Aman sat on the floor as he worked doodled. There was a gentle knock on their door. Aman looked up and Lilly sat down; removing her headphones. "Come in." Aman called out to the person on the other side. It was his mum. "Hey mum." Aman said.

"Hello Aunty ji." Lilly replied almost in a whisper. Aman thought about how much she wanted both of their parents to find out together when they were ready. She never wanted them to find out this way.

"I need to talk to you kids." Aunty ji sat on the bed next to Lilly and Lilly moved back a little. Aman sat in front of his mum and the floor and looked up at her. "Okay, first I want to say that I am not angry." Lilly and Aman both let out a sigh of relief. "However, I am disappointed." She looked over at both of them.

"Sorry aunty ji it was my fault Aman didn't tell you about us." Lilly began. Aman knew she wanted to explain so he allowed her to. "I wasn't ready to tell anyone. We've been together September." She looked over at Aman.

"Ya mum. We're really happy. And both us wanted to be sure that we wanted this before we told anyone. No one else knows except Jaz and Humble. We wanted to tell you guys once we we're ready but then..." Aman trailed off not wanted to talk about the events of the afternoon.

"But then I walked in on your little make out session." Lilly and Aman blushed and looked down. "Look, you guys are adults. And I am happy that you guys are happy." She laid her hand over Lilly's " Besides, I really like Lilly and I knew that something was going on between you two the minute you told me she was coming over." She looked and Aman and put her hand on his shoulder. "And I am not stupid. I left my wallet at home and when I came to take it, I saw your room door open and you were not on the couch." Aman smiled and thought how stupid he felt. "You have my approval. I like the both of you together." She finished and the three of them hugged. Aunty ji smiled, " I just don't want grandkids just yet." She said making all three of them laugh.

She left the room and Aman and Lilly looked at each other and let out a relieved sigh. "Babe, we should tell your dad and the minute I land in Toronto, I'm telling my parents." Aman nodded as he pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you Lilly." Aman whispered into her hair as he pulled her closer. "Thank you for being so brave. We have their blessings now." The thought of that made her smile.

The thought of marrying him crossed her mind as she imagined herself in a bridal lehenga and Aman in his sherwani. Wow. That's a first. She smiled and snuggled closer to Aman.

"I love you Aman." And she meant it. More than ever.

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