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Aman looked at her in disbelief. Did she really just say no? He didn't understand this. They've been dating for almost 3 years now, they came clean to their audiences and they were happy. He couldn't understand why she would say no to him.

Lilly knew she loved him. She loved him more than anything in the world. She never had such a relationship with anyone before. Letting Aman into her life was terrifying. But it was also the most wonderful thing she had done as Lilly. But she couldn't say yes to something she never wanted.

Aman sat at the hotel lobby for his room to be ready. He just needed to get away from everything. He thought about the proposal again. Did he do something wrong? Was it the way he said it? Was it over the top? He toned it down as much as he could though. He really wanted her to understand how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Lilly stood at the same place that Aman asked her to marry him. She has been there for 2 hours and it was beginning to get cold. She really didn't want to be alone right now. She made her way back to the apartment and it was empty and some of Aman's things were gone. Panic.

She thought about it. Who should she call. She thought about Sarah. Her manager and then she thought about Mamrie and then Jenna and Lindsey. Right now she wanted Anoshinie to be with her but it wasn't possible. So, she called Mamrie. "Hey mamrie?"

"Hey Lil. Everything okay?"

"Can I come over? I need to talk...." She began to tear up.

"Yeah, sure Lil. What's up?" Mamrie replied sounding concern.

"I think.... Aman is gone." She said, actually crying.

Aman made his way to his hotel room and crashed on the bed. He couldn't believe he left the love of his life on a hilltop in LA. He buried his face in the pillows and eventually fell asleep.

Lilly's uber pulled up at Mamrie's house. Mamrie ran out of the house and hugged her tightly and walked her inside. After sitting her down Mamrie made her a drink and sat next to her. "Okay, Lil. I don't really know Aman, but he wouldn't just leave like that. That I know." Lilly sat in silence for a bit before responding.

"Well, he said he wanted to go for a walk and we went up in the LA hills. And we reached the top with the breath taking view and he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him." Mamrie understood why she was so upset. Lilly didn't do marriage. And she thought Aman out of all people would understand that. "I was so shock. Like how did a walk turn into a talk about marriage." She paused before continuing. "So, I said no.... just as a reflex without even thinking.... Mames, I ruined it." And then she broke down. Mamrie leaned over and hugged her.

Aman woke up suddenly and turned around. He expected her to be next to him. Hoping that yesterday was all just a dream. But she wasn't there. The bed was cold and he was alone. Crap. What had he done. His heart sank remembering what had happened. He began to regret the decision he made yesterday and he hated the way he handled the situation. This sucked. He knew they should have discussed this first. This was horrible. He shouldn't have left her. A wave of panic hit him and he picked up the phone to call her. Mamrie picked up. "Hello." She answered. "You must be Aman."

"Mamrie?" He asked. Aman had met Mamrie a few times but he just wanted to be sure.

Mamrie walked onto the porch with the phone. She told Lilly it was Aman and she just grunted. "Yes, Mamrie. And Lilly is with me. And she's not okay. Not wanting to be blunt or anything British boy but you can't just leave her on a hill after proposing. That girl had never dreamed of getting married. But you know, Lilly has never opened up this much to a guy before and I know that just by the way she told me about you for the first time Ink." Mamrie paused. "Get your butt back here and apologize to her! She's in pieces thinking that you've left her. She may not want to marry you Ink, but she loves you." Aman understood and she realised how dumb he has been.

He took a quick shower changed called an uber and headed over to Mamrie's house. He tried thinking about the things he wanted to say to her but it wasn't possible. He tried to relax. He had been to Mamrie's before for a party and pulling up to her house brought back memories. He knocked on the door and Mamrie opened it for him. "Thanks Mamrie. I am so sorry."

"Hey Aman, it's cool. She's the one you should be apologising to." Mamrie replied. "I'll leave you 2 to it." Mamrie hugged Aman and left the house.

Aman walked in. Lilly looked like a mess. She was wearing Mamrie's Camp Takota shirt and grey sweats. Her hair was all over the place. Her eyes were puffy and Aman's heart broke at that sight. He swore never to make her cry and she was in this state because of him. Aman on the other hand looked clean and he wore a button down shirt but his eyes were also puffy. He walked over to her and sat next to her. Lilly slowly looked up at him. She stood up and began walking away. Aman stood up and held her hand. "Lil, wait." He said softly. "I need you to hear me out." Lilly stopped and turned around to face him. She looked on the floor and waited for him to continue. "Lil, I understand that love isn't about that piece of paper or the ring. Love is about the little things. And I am so sorry for what I did to you yesterday baby. I don't want to label the love we feel for each other and I love you too much to let you go. I'm so sorry." There was a pause. Lilly took a step towards him and hugged him softly.

"I changed my answer Aman, if that's okay with you." She whispered into his ear. 

(A/N let me know what you think. Comment below. And thank you for always supporting my story. It means a lot to me.❤)

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