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(A/N hey guys sorry for the slow updates! I've been in school, dying. Anyway I have an amazing line up of one shots so stay tuned!)

Aman's p.o.v
Lilly made a huge mess in the kitchen! Omg. A massive mess! Oil everywhere.  Humble found out that we should pour baking soda all over the floor.
She ruined the drawers and her unicorn slippers!  Hahahah she'll make a mess of our future house.  Wait. What? Shut up Ink.  Okay I had to admit I kind of have a crush on Lilly.  And this trip to LA just made my feelings for her stronger. We have been spending alot of time together and doing alot of things together.

"Its not lava, it's the galaxy. " I said as she vlogged the mess she made. She hopped towards me and told her vlog the agenda for the day.  We were going to the YouTube space LA to work and working with Lilly makes you so productive. Also, she feeds you only when she's hungry.  This girl doesn't even go pee cause she's working. Definition of workaholic. 

We were getting ready to leave and then Lilly ran up to me and shot me "pew pew"

I was shocked and then I said, "oh it's on man. It's on." I chased her around the house and then she ran outside! This girl. OMG.  I didn't care if the neighbors saw us running down the street but I chased her down the street!

We came back to the house panting. And then Lilly dragged me outside and she set up the vlogging camera on the floor.

"You guys wanna see Aman get beat up?" Hahahha very funny Lilly.

I carried her bridal style and then I realised it was a mistake.  Her face was so close to mine and we looked at each other for alittle too long. Her gaze lowered to my lips before looking back at me.
"Err guys? Shall we go?" Jaz cleared her throat from the porch of the house;  snapping Lilly and I out of our thoughts.  I put Lilly back down and adjusted my turban and she practically ran back into the house. Oh no... what have I done.

Lilly's p.o.v
When Aman carried me my heart raced. It sucked that he had that effect on me. Like I don't even like him.. or do I? Hahahha:  who are you kidding Lilly. Aman is damn hot. And his accent, slow clap for the British accent.... I ran back into the house and into my room and shut the door behind me. I hugged myself and slowly breathed. OMG. Eff you Amandeep why do you have such an effect on me. Arghhh. After I composed myself, I returned to the gang and we headed for the space! From now till it's closed, it's work work work. Jaz and I shared a editing suite together. While Aman, Sandy and Humble shared one editing suite so they could help Humble make videos for his channel.

There was a knock on the door of the editing suite; it was Humble.  "Hey guys, for you all wanna grab lunch?" Humble asked. Although I was hungry I had alot of work to do. So I said no. Jaz on the other hand went along with them. Horrible Jaz.. Anyway I was left in this edit suite by myself. ARGGGGH. I JUST HOPE THEY BUY FOOD FOR ME. I heard another knock on the door and I turned around to see Aman standing by the door. OMG. He's so cute. COMPOSE YOUR SELF LILLY.  I opened the door and asked, "hey didn't you go with them?"

He smiled and "no. I was too tired and I was working on an illustration."

"OMG. Can I see?" I asked.

"Errrr it's not really done yet Lil.  When it's done I'll show you." He smiled again and scratched his turban before walking into the suite. "I'll do my work here with you so neither of us will be alone."

Omgggg respond Lilly. Don't be stupid. 
"Ya sure Aman. You can stay here." Aman left his laptop and went out to grab more of this things. I sat back down at my place and continued my work. He is such a cute concentration face though. Aman worked on his illustration behind me and I tried to focus on the emails I had. But I kept turning around. And sometimes I'll catch him already staring at me... I blush and quickly turn back to act like nothing happened.

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