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A sleepy Lilly enters the room. He can’t help but stare at how beautiful she is. She sees him, walks up and kisses his neck.

Aman can’t ignore the dark circles under them. “I’m pretty tired. You?” He says softly. Lilly moves closer to him, standing between his legs. “How about I just hold you until you fall asleep?” He suggests as he strokes her arms. Lilly smiles and nods. They both get into bed, she lays her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
“Goodnight Lil.” He says kissing her softly on the lips.

“Goodnight handsome. I love you.” She says looking straight into his deep brown eyes.

“I love you too.” He replies. He kisses her forehead and holds her close, stroking her shoulder softly until she falls asleep. “Sleep well princess.” Aman whispers as he also drifts off to sleep. Both of them falling asleep, in each others arms knowing that they're safe, together. ❤

(A/N super short chapter but let me know what you thought!!! You can also like find me on twitter and things. Also, hmmm.. if you have any ideas let me know!!)

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