doodle bar.

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(A/N Feels might occur. Mature content towards the end. Its not intense but it's kind of there. Let me know what you think. Sorry for the confusion just now. Its fixed. Here. I hope it's better.)

Black dress, nude coloured heels outside and black lacy lingerie inside. Lilly was feeling super sexy and hot. It was date night with Aman. Lilly was in London and they decided to go out to some place fancy although both of them didn't like it they thought it would be fun. Lilly stood in front of the mirror looking at the overall outfit and she was pleased with it. There was a gentle knock on the door. "Babe, you almost ready?" Aman asked from behind the door.

"Yeah, I need five more minutes."

"Okay." Aman replied. As he was about to leave, the heard the door knob twist. He turned around and his jaw dropped. Lilly stood there and tugged on her dress. "I'm good, let's go." She smiled. Aman stood there staring.

"Lilly, you look beautiful" Lilly blushed, she smoothed out the bottom of her dress that fell a few inches above her knee. Her long black hair was curled and her lips were red, her makeup was perfect and Aman couldn't help but stare. He was lucky to have her. Their future together meant a lot to him and he smiled slowly.

"Earth to Aman?" Lilly waved her hand in front of his face bringing him out of his trance. Aman snapped out of it.

"To the car?" Lilly nodded.

"Are you going to tell us where we're going?" Lilly giggled from the passenger's seat. Usually she was the one that drove them around. But today in London, Aman was behind the wheel. She was really excited for the surprise.

"You'll have to see when you get there." Aman replied just as eager. He loved seeing Lilly like this: excited, happy and care free. They finally had a chance to relax in London and like go out. They didn't have to worry about any business related things the next day.

"Have I been here before?" Lilly asked.

"Lil, we're not playing 20 questions. You have to wait baby." Aman replied. Lilly huffed and crossed her arms over her chest and looked out of the window. Aman chuckled next to her. "I love you." He placed his hand on her bare thigh. They pulled up at this restaurant. Lilly couldn't recognise it. It was something new. The Doodle Bar. Aman made his way out of the car and walked over to Lilly's side and opened the door for her. He held out his hand for her and helped her out of the car. "I made us reservations. We don't have to wait. Let's go." Aman leaned over and kissed Lilly on the cheek and they walked towards the restaurant hand in hand.

"Hello, welcome. Table for?" The young hostess asked.

"Hello, I called and made a reservation for 2 under the name 'Singh' ?" Aman smiled.

"Alright, follow me please. Mr and Mrs Singh." Aman and Lilly looked at each other and smiled slowly. They liked the sound of that. Mrs Inkquisitive Amandeep Singh. She thought as they walked towards their table. Aman pulled out a chair for Lilly and sat down. The server placed their menus in front of them.

"What can I get you both?" She asked

"2 glasses of water to start please." Aman replied. The server nodded in response and left. There were crayons on the table. They each took one and began doodling on the table. Aman looked closely at Lilly as she drew their names on the table. She picked up a different colour and continued. "You look really hot now you know that?" Lilly gave Aman a smirk. Their server came back and took their orders. They both ordered pasta and decided to have dessert somewhere else. The server took their menus and left. Lilly raised her glass of water slightly and Aman followed.

"A toast."

"To a peaceful week with my love." Aman replied. Lilly rolled her eyes before adding on.

"and to my boyfriend who is so cheesy. I cant even."

They both laughed and continued to draw on the table as they talked about how the sun shone through Aman's bedroom this morning. When their food arrived Lilly took out her phone. Aman reached across and took her phone from her placed it in his pocket. "I need something for the vlog Aman."

"Later, tonight is for me and you. No work. Please."

Lilly nodded in response. She loved that he only wanted tonight to be about them. Lilly began to eat and once they were done, they moved their plates to the side. The server came again and Lilly decided to order a slice of cake for them to share. She rationalized that they could walk around and eat more dessert again later. Aman couldn't say no to her. The cake arrived and Lilly moved to sit next to Aman. Aman laced their fingers together and looked at Lilly. Lilly was feeling it. She felt like it was appropriate to tell him. "Aman, do you like my dress?" She asked.

"What kind of question is that? You took my breath away. You look so beautiful." Aman wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her closer. Lilly smirked and leaned it and whispered into his ear.

"Well, then you loved love what I am wearing under this dress." She placed her hand on his thigh. Aman looked up at Lilly and she smirked as she moved back to sit across him. Aman felt his face get red. He needed to get out of there fast. Aman called for the check and paid quickly telling them to keep the change.

"Lets go home" Aman replied as he stood up. Lilly followed behind him. The car drive was speedy and full of sexual tension.

He couldn't make it to the stairs. He shut the front door and pinned Lilly to it, their lips never parting. Lilly bit his bottom lip as a soft moan escaped from her. She kicked off her heels and pulled him in closer. She felt him hard against her thigh. Aman slowly travelled from her lips to her neck, sucking and nibbling on her skin. He switched to the other side. "Aman...." Lilly cried out, unable to stand it anymore. She starts to unbutton his shirt, revealing his toned body. The sight of it makes her melt. He throws his shirt on the floor and returns to her lips, reaching under her dress at the same time. Lilly let out a shaky breath as she whispered in his ear, "Aman, please don't tease me. I need you." Aman cut her off and began kissing her again. Aman didn't need to be told twice, he wanted her too. His hands found their way to her hair. He tangled his fingers into her hair and brought her closer to him so their noses were touching. Lilly could see the fire in his eyes. He wanted her, he needed her. Aman let out a low growl as his lips met hers. Lilly's hands reached down to undo his belt. Aman stopped kissing her. Panting, he managed to pick up his girlfriend, and she locked her legs around his waist as they went up the stairs to his bedroom. Aman kicked the door shut as he placed Lilly back on the ground; she was ready for whatever he planned for her.

"Dress. Off. Now."

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