first steps.

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(A/N I think feels might happen... let me know.)

"Aman get in here quickly!" Lilly squealed watching their daughter stand up and wobble for the first time.

"What is it?" Aman rushed in;panicked.

"She's about to walk." Lilly beamed with excitement. Their daughter was standing in front of Lilly desperately trying to stable herself. Aman smiled

"Come on baby. Come to daddy." Aman sat on the floor encouraging his daughter. She attempted to move her leg but she fell on the floor again.

"You can do it" Lilly encouraged watching her daughter stand back up again. Lilly put her hands out to Anika. She tried again one foot and then the next foot she managed until she fell again. This time she sat there and then crawled to the sofa pulling herself up.

"You can do it Anika. Come on." Aman said as he moved to sit next to Lilly watching his daughter.

Aman thought about the time Lilly told him that she was pregnant. He remembered it like it was yesterday and now, he was watching his 1 year old daughter attempt to walk her first steps. Lilly took out her camera and set it up in front of them ensuring this moment could be shared with both their parents.

Their daughter stood against the sofa trying to balance herself. "You can do it baby." Lilly smiled. Their daughter tried again. One step, two step, three steps. And then she fell on her bum. Lilly reached forward and carried Anika "Well, you did it. Kind of." Lilly held her close.

"Good job baby." Aman kissed the top of her head.

"Aman?" Lilly questioned. "When did she grow up?" She leaned against Aman as their daughter sat in front of them playing with the edge of Aman's track pants.

"She has a lot of growing up to do." He replied, wrapping his arms around her.

"I know but she's not my tiny baby anymore. Look she took her first steps today."

"Lil, she will always be our baby." Aman kissed Lilly's forehead.

She looked up at him and pressed her lips against his. "She's an #Amilly baby."

"Yup she is." Aman whispered pulling Lilly into a hug. Anika looked up and crawled towards them and joined in the hug. 

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