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"You look cute in those jeans Aman." Lilly called to him from across the room, a smudge of paint on her nose making her look ridiculously cute. The walls that were once one shade of off white were gradually becoming a beautiful shade of green. Aman felt a surge of masculine pride surge through him as he surveyed their progress. Being a manly man and painting the walls of their first office in their own home. It all felt too grown up for a man that favoured wearing kicks instead of dress shoes with his suits and a woman who wore sweatpants and unicorn slippers to her meetings.

"Your face looks cute with that smudge of paint on it." Lilly attempted to cross her eyes in a to see the paint on her nose, pouting as Aman laughed at her. "come here silly."

Lilly stepped over to him and he made to wipe away the little smudge of green on the end of her nose. But he grinned and brought the hand that was holding his paintbrush up to swipe down her face leaving a green line. Lilly shrieked.

"No you didn't!" She gasped, immediately spinning around to grab her brush and flick it at him, grinning as little drops of green rained over him. Paint was splashed up the walls as they splattered it at each other, the previously empty room filled with the sound of laughter and happiness. And, as it happened, a lot of paint was wasted.

They were so consumed in their battle they didn't hear the office door open. Anoshinie gasped as she took in the sight in front of her, both Lilly and Aman covered in paint and gasping for breath.
"Damn it guys." She said, rubbing her eyes tiredly, a pot plant under her arm. "Why?"

Lilly and Aman both laughed as Anoshinie made her way out of the room and into the kitchen. Aman walked over to Lilly and pulled her into a hug. "Damn, I love you."

Lilly blushed and buried her head in his chest. "I love you too." Aman leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"You go see what Nosh is up to. I'll finish up here and meet you downstairs."

"You sure?"

"Of course beautiful. Go, Nosh might need your help."

"Okay, I love you." Lilly wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him towards her for a kiss. 

(A/N let me know what you think! Also I republished the previous part just saying.. )

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