I've missed you.

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"Oh that must be my room service! Can you get that for me baba?" Anoshinie said.

"You ordered more room service?" Lilly said walking to the door.

"Delivery for Miss Singh" Aman smiled as Lilly opened the door.

"Aman!" Lilly shrieked, leaping into his arms.

"I guess I'll take that as you're happy to see me." Aman laughed spinning her around a little.

"yes! OMG of course! I've missed you so much." Lilly smiled.

"I've missed you too." Aman replied, hugging her tighter. Lilly snuggled closer into his chest.

"You two just going to stand there all day?" Anoshinie shouted from the bed, breaking the silence.

"Nope! But we going to lay here all day." Lilly walked over to her bed and jumped on it like a little kid. Aman followed her and said on the edge of the bed facing Anoshinie.

"Hey Nosh." Aman smiled.

"Hey man! Okay Lil, I'll leave you with lover boy." Anoshinie said picking up her stuff.

"You don't have to" Aman replied.

"You haven't seen each other in ages. Trust me she hasn't stopped talking about how much she misses you. I'll give you some time alone." Anoshinie smiled leaving, "Just don't tire her out Aman! She needs to give a speech in a few hours." Anoshinie smirked closing the door before either of them could say anything back to her.

Aman pulled Lilly towards him moving her hair out of her face gently before cupping her cheeks and kissing her, Lilly kissed him back. "I really missed you." Lilly smirked pulling away from the kiss playing with the collar on his shirt.

"I missed you too babe." Aman said in between planting kisses along her jaw.

"How long are you staying?" Lilly asked.

"For the rest of your trip and I'm coming back with you to Toronto for 3 weeks." Aman smiled and Lilly snuggled into his side.

"Don't you have to me in London? How about work?"

"I'll do work here. I rather be here with you."

"Cheesy." Lilly laughed at Aman's reaction.

Lilly leaned in and kissed him again. "Wow, if I get a kiss for every time I say something cheesy, I would say it all the time." Aman laughed and Lilly kissed him again. "I love you Lil"

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