China x Male reader hello kitty

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Authors note-In honor of 69 votes I create this. Anyways about the other one shots I have one I'm working on so yeah nice.

China looked down at the stuffed animals in the window. (Name) and china were spending the day together since it was valentines day. They decided to spend their time at the mall. (Name) stood there holding the other things they bought. It was only two bags but they were filled with things like candy and junk food."We need to go in." China said grabbing (Name)s arm and dragging him inside.

"Why what do you need from this place?" (Name) asked looking around at the stuffed animals too. "I need that hello kitty plush in the window." (Name) looked confused before letting the words process. "Don't you have enough stuffed animals?" China stopped and started talking to one of the employees. "No I'm sorry sir we don't have anymore hello kittys and we aren't supposed to sell the window displays.

China looked distraught and walked out of the store with (Name) following close behind. "We could come back another time." He suggested but china just went to go sit at one of the benches. "How could this happen,aru!" He yelled making (Name) jump with a few fellow citizens of the mall. "We could go find another hello kitty doll they might have one at build-a-bear?" (Name) said looking for any other shop that sells toys and stuffed animals.

(Name) spotted another one and grabbed Chinas hand. "Where are we going?" China said trying to slow (Name) down. "There's another toy shop over there." (Name) stated pointing to the store. Chinas face lit up as he picked up his pace. "Well what are we waiting for,aru!" They ran over to the store. As they walked in (Name) asked if they had any hello kitty plushies.

The employee gave him a puzzled look then nodded. "Yes we just got some in stock they're on the rack over there behind the first one." She said as she motioned for the two to a display of different plushies. "Alright thank you." The two walked to the display were she said. "There isn't the one that I wanted." China said sounding disappointed. "There might be a few more stores that have it." (Name) said trying to stay optimistic. China started walking out if the store.

(Name) saw a valentine themed hello kitty plush as he grabbed and paid for it. He ran out of the store before china noticed he wasn't with him. (Name) smiled and his the plush kitty with the other bags. "We can go now." China said looking at the ground." (Name) smiled and kissed his boyfriend. "Alright we can come back next week and check to see if they have it." The two started walking to their vehicle before getting in and driving away.

~~time skip of 420~~

They arrived home as china unlocked the door and (Name) brought the bags in. "So (Name) what do you want to do now, aru?" China said shutting the door behind (Name). (Name) giggled and pulled out the hello kitty plush hiding it from Chinas view. "We could just watch a movie." He said and turned behind him showing the doll to china. He gasped and grabbed the plush holding it. "Oh thank you (Name) I love it!" China squealed and hugged it. He gave (Name) a peck on lips before running to go put it with his other stuffed animals.

When he returned (Name) had brought out one of the candies and started eating it. "Wanna watch Charlie and the chocolate factory?" He said popping another candy in his mouth. "That movie freaked me out,aru." China stated grabbing a candy from (Name) and putting it in his mouth. "What about..." (Name) thought of a different movie letting his eyes wonder. "The lorax?" China scoffed and laughed. "What is with you and kids movies?" (Name) giggled and poked his boyfriends cheek. "What is with you and stuffed animals?" The two looked at each other and laughed.
Authors note- thanks for reading my story and stuff you guys are great and look great. If someone says otherwise ignore it and say "okcalmdown says I'm cool so I'm obviously pretty great." And then walk away.

hetalia x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now